Game Built: HighLow
Description: HighLow is a number guessing game where the player tries to guess a randomly generated number within a given range. After each guess, the player receives feedback: "Higher" or "Lower," guiding them towards the correct answer.
The code used:
The Game is built and deployed as a simple static website on AmazonS3 and hosted using Amazon Route53. I have utilized Amazon Q for writing the code when required. The website is written in HTML, CSS, and JS.
1. Utilize the AWS web console:
- Check for domain availability on Route53:
- Use the Route 53 dashboard to check if your desired domain name (e.g., "yourgame.com") is available for registration.
- If available, proceed to register the domain.
- Register domain_name and proceed to checkout:
- Complete the domain registration process, including choosing a registrar, selecting a domain name, and providing contact information.
- Proceed to checkout and complete the payment for domain registration.
- Start writing code for the Game utilizing Amazon Q Developer when stuck:
- Use Amazon Q Developer to get assistance with your game's code.
- You can ask questions about JavaScript syntax, debugging, or specific game logic challenges.
- Q Developer can provide code examples, explanations, and suggestions to help you overcome obstacles.
- Create Bucket using S3 (Name Bucket):
- Navigate to the S3 service in the AWS console.
- Create a new S3 bucket with a unique and descriptive name (e.g., "yourgame-bucket").
- Choose a suitable region for your bucket (e.g., a region close to your target audience).
- Select Region:
- Choose the desired region for your bucket. This influences factors like data latency and pricing.
- Open Public Access:
- Important: Carefully consider security implications.
- If your website requires public access, you can enable it by configuring appropriate bucket policies and ACLs.
- Alternatively: Explore more secure options like using CloudFront with signed URLs or private access policies.
- Accept static website hosting:
- Enable static website hosting for your S3 bucket. This allows S3 to serve web content directly.
- Specify the index document (e.g., "index.html") and optional error document (e.g., "404.html").
- Upload the files:
- Upload all the necessary files for your game (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) to the S3 bucket.
- Add base file as index.html:
- Ensure that your
file is correctly configured as the index document for your bucket.
- Now redirect bucket as Route53 Domain name hosting:
- In Route 53, create a hosted zone for your registered domain.
- Create an A record within the hosted zone that points to the S3 bucket's endpoint.
- This will map your domain name (e.g., "yourgame.com") to your S3 bucket, making your game accessible via your domain.
- Write bucket access policies:
- Implement appropriate bucket policies to control access to your S3 bucket.
- Restrict access to specific IP addresses, AWS accounts, or IAM roles as needed.
- Open and play GAME
- Open a web browser and navigate to your registered domain name (e.g., "yourgame.com").
- You should now be able to access and play your number guessing game.
1. Add UI
2. Make features smarter and more reciprocative
3. Enable multi user play
4. Collect stats and generate Ranking for users
1. AWS Management Console
2. AWS S3
3. AWS Route53
4. Amazon Q Developer
5. Amazon Game Lift
Try the Game: https://high-low-jet.vercel.app/