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AWS Translate: From english to any language in seconds

AWS Translate: From english to any language in seconds

Use real-time translations to deliver on-demand translation for text that you enter or a document that you upload.

Published Feb 2, 2025
In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through how to use from zero the managed AI service AWS Translate. I am using the AWS Translate for long time as a basic user and now I am able to share my experience with this amazing service. You will say bye-bye Google Tradutor. 🙃
Amazon Translate lets you localize content for multiple users around the world and translate and analyze large volumes of text to enable multilingual communication between users. Designed for developers and enterprises, it’s best for integrating translations into applications, websites, and workflows via API.


  • High quality translations
    Provide highly accurate and constantly improving translations for a wide range of use cases.
  • Batch and real-time translations
    Build batch and real-time translation resources into your apps with a single API call.
  • Customize Translate
    Customize your machine learning (ML) translated output to define brand names, model names, and other unique terms.

How it works?

Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, affordable, and customizable language translation. You can use S3 Buckets with Amazon Translate to translate and serve content from S3 buckets on demand.
By integrating Amazon Translate with Amazon S3, you can easily translate large amounts of content stored in S3 buckets. This integration allows you to automate the process of translating files (like documents, web content, etc.) in a cost-effective way.
If you want to use AWS Translate API, check the documentation reference here, this document provides detailed information about the Amazon Translate API actions. Also, there are some video series regarding the AWS Translate here.
Amazon Translate
Amazon Translate


I will get started using the Text first, basic you can write a phrase or text for source language and on target language you can select your preference, in my case I have suppose an English target.
Amazon Translate
Amazon Translate
Now I will use an example for document, just a note app with some englisg text. See below:
Amazon Translate
Amazon Translate
Just checking...
Amazon Translate
Amazon Translate
Let's see the document text I have used:
DevOpsDays is a series of global, community-driven conferences focused on topics related to DevOps, software development, IT operations, and the intersection of culture, automation, and technology. These events provide a platform for professionals to share knowledge, learn from each other, and discuss challenges and innovations in the DevOps ecosystem.
Checking the translation after:
O DevOpsDays é uma série de conferências globais voltadas para a comunidade com foco em tópicos relacionados a DevOps, desenvolvimento de software, operações de TI e a interseção de cultura, automação e tecnologia. Esses eventos fornecem uma plataforma para os profissionais compartilharem conhecimento, aprenderem uns com os outros e discutirem desafios e inovações no ecossistema DevOps.
By following these steps, you can effectively translate texts and documents leveraging its flexible options to work with your app or workflow. Remember to monitor your usage and costs, and stay updated with the latest features and best practices from Amazon Translate. Good readness.
