DevOps Essentials
An essential guide for learning about DevOps and its core concepts.
create-virtual-machine --name "my server" --cpu 8 --mem 16 --disk 50
create-database --name "my db" --cpu 8 --mem 16 --disk 50
create-firewall --name "database firewall"
create-firewall-rull --name "allow db access from vm" --port 3306 --protocol tcp --source <ip of vm>
update-virtual-machine --machine-id XYZ --name "My new servers"
. With declarative, you can approach it by specifying what you need, and leave it up to the tool to decide how to do that. Compare the above procedural example to the below declarative example (pseudo code):1
virtual-machine: { name: "my server", cpu: 8, mem: 8, disk: 50 }
database: { name: "my db", cpu: 8, mem: 8, disk: 50 }
firewall: { name: "database firewall", rules: [ { name: "allow db access from vm", port: 3306, protocol: tcp, source: virtual-machine.IP } ] }
system, which makes a call to the Fraud
system, as well as the Loyalty Program
system in a fictional e-commerce site. To be able to see the entire action, you would need to somehow combine the logs from all three systems in sequential order to get the full view of what occurred. Tracing allows you to do this, usually by adding a tracing ID to each call that is the same to make it easier to collate these disparate logs. Examples of tracing frameworks include Jaeger, ZipKin, some of the previously mentioned commercial offerings, like Splunk, and Datadog.- Where is there a bottleneck or pain point for the team(s) that they are struggling with?
- What services or piece of infrastructure can you work on that is not mission critical?
- What things would benefit the most from being automated?
- If you're looking to learn more specifically about AWS & our tools, we have lots of options! These aren't specific to DevOps but often have talks or tracks that are related to it. We have re:Invent every year. There are multiple AWS Summits every year, have a look to see if one is in a city close to you. If you are just getting started with cloud, we recommend attending an AWSome Day and reading our AWS Cloud Essentials page.
- Many of the vendors mentioned run their own conferences and those can be a great place to learn as well!
Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.