Crafting a re:Invent Wardrobe
The best swag is swag you make yourself!
Kris Howard
Amazon Employee
Published Dec 5, 2023
Five years ago I made a custom AWS dress and wore it to the Sydney office Christmas party, and if you've met me at any big AWS events since then, chances are good I was wearing it! For re:Invent 2023, I decided that I needed to craft an entire AWS capsule wardrobe - a new dress, shirt, and high-top sneakers.
(Not much of a sew-ist? You'd be surprised how easy it is! There are lots of YouTube videos that walk you through every step. In terms of hardware, all three of these projects can be done with a very basic sewing machine that sews straight and zig-zag stitches.)
The foundation of the entire project was a design I created in Canva using 28 AWS service icons, arranged in a brick formation along with the AWS logo. I picked icons for my favourite services as well as ones that I thought just looked cool, and with a goal of getting a nice range of colours. Then I uploaded it to Spoonflower to get printed onto 5 meters of their Organic Cotton Sateen fabric. It’s got a nice heavy feel with almost a shine to it, thanks to the thick weave.

Once I had the fabric, it was time to choose a dress design. I realised pretty quickly that any style that involved lots of seaming or shaping would either distort the printed icons, or result in me spending hours trying to line things up perfectly. I needed a simple design that would show off the print to maximum effect. After a lot of research, I landed on the Seamwork Benning. It’s a loose and comfortable fit, with a simple shape (mostly rectangles) and not too many seams. No need for a zipper, and YAY RUFFLES!
(If you don’t sew or haven’t bought a pattern in decades, you might not realise that you can now buy patterns as PDFs! I’m a big fan, though it does mean you have to spend the first hour gluing all the pages together.)
It's always a good idea to prototype a new pattern with scrap fabric before you cut into the expensive stuff. This ensures that the fit is correct, and that you understand the method of construction. (A wearable "Hello World," if you will.) My test version showed that I needed to go down a size for the best fit. You can read about my test on my personal blog.

Once I had the fabric cut out, it was time to assemble the bodice. There is a side bust dart to provide a little shaping. This dress is not fully lined, but instead has a simple facing around the neckline. This is like a partial lining, a bit of fabric that is sewn around the neck opening and then flipped to the inside. This gives a nice finish around the neck and helps the garment to lie flat. I used some white cotton from my stash, along with some iron-on interfacing to give it a little extra weight. As you can see in the photo, I used my overlocker machine to finish the bottom edge of the facing. (If you don't have one, you can just zig-zag stitch around the edge.)

Once the first ruffle seam was finished, I used the overlocker to finish the raw edges. Then I had to do another even longer one for the bottom ruffle! After hemming it, I tried it on and realised I needed to do a few more fitting tweaks. You can read more about those over on my personal blog. But with a few more adjustments, soon the dress was finished and it was time to move onto the shoes.

I was delighted to learn about SneakerKit, who will sell you everything you need to make your own pair of shoes! While most folks use them to make leather shoes, I could see on Instagram that many people were also creating fabric shoes. I ordered my kit from Maker’s Leather Supply in Australia, along with a packet of the metal eyelets.
The first step is to prepare your pattern. I downloaded the Classic 3 in 1 and chose the high-top. Then I had to cut out my pieces.

To set the eyelets, if you don’t have the special tool you can use a hammer. I’ve done this in the past and had a couple of the little hammer tools in my craft box. I tried it in the house on a piece of plywood, but I needed something a bit firmer. I ended up doing it outside on the pavement, with a bit of cardboard to keep the fabric from getting dirty. I only mangled one of the eyelets, which necessitated using needle-nosed pliers to peel back the little bits and remove it to try again.

But guess what? I still had some fabric left over, and with less than week left until AWS re:Invent, I decided to make a shirt.

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.