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A Summary of My Activities in the 5 Years Since Discovering AWS Amplify

A Summary of My Activities in the 5 Years Since Discovering AWS Amplify

Here is a summary of my activities in the 5 years since discovering AWS Amplify!

Published Jan 23, 2024

Here is a summary of my activities in the 5 years since discovering AWS Amplify!

AWS Amplify Gen2 was recently announced. Although this is still a preview version, it was an important announcement that will have a significant impact on the future structure of Amplify. At this time, I decided to look back on my encounter with Amplify and my activities up to the present as a break of 5 years.

Encounter with Amplify

In 2018, I started looking for a way to implement login functionality on the front end. I also wanted to see if I could do something new by combining Geospatial and Serverless.
At the time, Amplify and Firebase were options, and I was researching and disseminating information about these services. In particular, I feel that the authentication feature is still widely used by many users even today.
When I implemented the authentication function in v0.4.8, there was a time when I had to configure Cognito directly in the management console, but now there are various tools available to make it easy to use Amplify.
Personally, I like Amplify Hosting and Amplify Geo!


I've been posting content about Amplify on my blog! So far, I have posted 38 articles on Amplify.

Contributed to "builders.flash", the official web magazine of AWS Japan

My articles about Amplify were posted on builders.flash, the official web magazine of AWS Japan!

Presentation at the event

I have given presentations on Amplify at various events!

Contribute to OSS

I have contributed to OSS related to Amplify! I mainly contribute to Amplify Geo and docs. By continuing to contribute, you can get exclusive badges and SWAG.

Joining Amplify Japan User Group

I joined the Amplify Japan User Group as a steering member. I have been a member of FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) for 10 years, but this is my first time to be a member of the AWS community. My main contribution this year was the creation of T-shirts for the management. I hope to contribute again this year!
At the recent "Amplify Boost Up #04"
I reflected on my first encounter with AWS Amplify and its activities over the past 5 years.
I hope you are interested in Amplify after reading this article! Please try Amplify products! You are also welcome to attend our events!
