The comprehensive plan to play at re:invent

The comprehensive plan to play at re:invent

The comprehensive plan to play at re:invent

Published Jan 14, 2024

Interactive, Non-Recorded Session:

This session allows participants to actively engage with the content without being recorded. It provides an opportunity for hands-on learning and exploration.
Peer Talk:
In this 30-minute session, participants can book a discussion with amazing individuals such as AWS staff or Heroes to have insightful conversations.
This 180-minute session involves teams of four working together to solve real-world technical problems using AWS solutions. It is a gamified learning experience that encourages creativity and exploration.
AWS Jam:
Similar to GameDay, this 180-minute session also involves teams of four working on challenges using AWS solutions.
Builders' Session:
In this 60-minute session, participants can ask questions to AWS specialists and take part in workshops to enhance their skills.
This 120-minute session offers participants the opportunity to participate in hands-on workshops and learn new skills.
Chalk Talk:
Participants can ask questions to AWS specialists and engage in discussions during this 60-minute session.
Code Talk:
This 60-minute session involves live coding, where participants can learn coding techniques and best practices.
This session provides full-day classroom training on AWS, covering various topics and skills.
Builder Lab:
Participants can engage in self-paced lab activities in this session to practice and reinforce their AWS skills.
Builders' Fair:
This session showcases cool projects and innovations at Expo.
Rec Center:
In addition to technical sessions, participants can also enjoy recreational activities such as sports, art, and the AWS Builder card game.

Non-interactive, recorded sessions

AWS offers several non-interactive, recorded sessions for participants to learn and gain insights:
This 90-minute session features AWS leaders discussing the latest trends, breakthroughs, product announcements, and news about AI/ML and infrastructure innovations.
Innovation Talks:
In these 60-minute lecture-style sessions, participants can gain insights from AWS thought leaders. They cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable perspectives on various subjects.
Presentation Content
Breakout Session:
These 60-minute lecture-style informative sessions are presented by AWS experts, customers, or partners. They delve into specific topics and provide in-depth knowledge and insights.
Presentation Content
Lightning Talk:
In these 20-minute lecture-style sessions, AWS partners present informative sessions on the Expo. These talks focus on specific topics and provide concise and valuable information.
Presentation Content
These 20-minute lecture-style sessions are presented by the AWS community at Expo. They cover various topics and provide insights and knowledge from the community's perspective.

The primary objective of attending AWS event:

  • Take advantage of sessions that are not available at local AWS events.
  • Attend sessions on topics that you are unfamiliar with to broaden your knowledge.
  • Participate in sessions that are not recorded or made available online.
  • Attend the afterparty to relax and connect with fun individuals.
  • Network with AWS staff (DevRel, Developer Advocates), AWS partners, prominent figures, AWS Heroes, and other interesting people.
  • Engage in interactive sessions (peer talk, game day, chalk talk, builder session, workshop, Code Talk) to learn from others as much as possible.
  • Make sure to attend at least one important keynote for an enjoyable live music performance and remarkable presentation.
  • Attend non-interactive sessions (Innovation Talks, Breakout Sessions, Lightning Talks, DevChats) to take a break and connect with the speakers.
  • Familiarize yourself with the latest services and products offered by top-notch companies at the Expo.
  • Bring a bank robbery bag for stuffing swag collected at the Expo.
  • Capture memorable moments through photographs, meet new people, and engage in exciting activities. These experiences will provide amazing stories to share with others.

How to Plan Your Time: Maximizing Learning Opportunities at AWS Events

When attending AWS events, it's important to make the most of your time and optimize your learning experience. Here are some tips to help you plan your time effectively:
  • Avoid wasting time waiting for specific sessions: Instead of waiting for your favorite sessions, take advantage of the AWS content, community, and workshops available. Utilize search features to find relevant information and resources.
  • Make the most of your time: Time is precious, so try to engage in as many activities as possible. Explore different sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities to gain a well-rounded understanding of AWS.
  • Prioritize interactive sessions: While lecture-style talks and workshops provide valuable information, interactive sessions offer a unique opportunity to engage with others and learn from real-life experiences. Make an effort to join interactive sessions where you can have conversations and interact with industry professionals.

Personal Suggestions:

  • Strike up conversations during transit and meals: Take advantage of the shuttle bus and breakfast times to connect with fellow attendees. Engaging in casual conversations can lead to valuable insights and spur-of-the-moment learning opportunities.
  • Connect with AWS community builders and heroes: The AWS community builders and heroes are friendly and welcoming. Don't hesitate to approach them and strike up conversations. They can provide valuable insights, and guidance, and share their experiences with you.
  • By following these tips, you can optimize your time at AWS events and make the most of the learning opportunities available. Remember, effective planning and active engagement will enhance your overall experience and contribute to your AWS knowledge and skills.

Preparing for re:Invent

Reserve a Seat in the AWS re:Invent Catalog:
  • Stay at one site within one day.
  • Prefer interactive, non-recorded sessions.
  • Non-interactive, recorded sessions can be used as a break or to rest.
Book a Session on Peer Talk:
  • Boost your preparation by engaging in discussions with experts.
  • Research the specialist and background of the peer talk guest.
  • Study the related topic.
  • Prepare session topics and high-quality questions.
  • Ensure the guest doesn't perceive you as selling products.
Study Your Session Topic:
  • Utilize AWS Skill Builder (
  • Engage with the AWS Community (
  • Access AWS content at (
Download AWS Content on Your Mobile Device:
  • Prepare your questions for Peer Talk and Builder Sessions while traveling to re:Invent.
Bank Robbery Unit:
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
  • Carry a large bag for the SWAG (10kg to 15kg).
  • Use a backpack with an AWS sticker for your laptop and camera equipment (2kg).
  • Secure the heavy robbery bag to your shoulder with a suitcase belt.
  • Bring a suitcase weight checker.
Camera Equipment for Blog Posts & LinkedIn:
  • Carry an extra mobile device for shooting.
  • Bring small lighting equipment.
  • Use a wireless microphone compatible with your phone.
  • Don't forget a portable charger.
Pretend to be an Analyst from a Three-Letter Agency:
  • Make people believe you have important tasks to complete.
  • Convey the idea that you possess unique talents unknown to others.
  • Create the perception of having connections with influential individuals and plans with them.
  • Imply that you are serving special guests within the industry.
  • Hint at confidential information that will change the world.
  • Present yourself as an expert, needed on-site to offer assistance.
  • Mention that you work in a high-pressure job and will be unavailable for a week.
  • Use a professional image and write a compelling introduction.
  • Include a QR code for easy connection with interesting people.
  • Highlight your area of expertise.
  • List the organizations you belong to.

Advice for Expo Attendees: Swag

When it comes to swag, it's important to distinguish between what you need and what you don't. Here are some suggestions:
What You Need:
  • T-shirts
  • Caps
  • Socks
  • Stickers
  • Badges
  • AWS pins
  • Water bottles
  • Backpack
  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Power adapter
  • USB cable
  • Mouse
What You Don't Need:
  • Plush toys
  • Wireless keyboards
  • Model cars
  • PVC figures
  • Art crafts
It's essential to stay focused on what you truly need. While some swag may be visually appealing and tempting to acquire, it's advisable to exercise self-control and avoid obtaining items that serve no practical purpose for you.

Best Times to Visit the Expo

  • Day 1: Many companies may not have swag yet due to delivery issues.
  • Day 2 Morning: The crowd tends to be overwhelming.
  • Day 4 Morning: Important keynotes are scheduled, and the Expo is closing.
  • Day 4 Afternoon: Swag supplies may have run out.
Good Times:
  • Day 2 Afternoon: There is still plenty of swag available, and the crowd has thinned out.
  • Day 3: You can still find some cool swag, and the crowd is relatively manageable.

Tips for Maximizing Efficiency at the Expo:

How to Make Your Expo Experience Efficient:
Dealing with Salespeople:
Keep in mind that exhibitors are salespeople who may try to engage you in lengthy conversations to sell their products.
Inform the Salesperson about Your Time Constraints:
  • Let them know upfront that you don't want to waste time listening to a sales pitch.
  • For example: "I'm already familiar with many companies offering similar products. What is your top secret weapon that sets you apart from the competition?"
By clearly expressing your intention, you can avoid spending unnecessary time watching live demos or listening to lengthy sales pitches. Instead, you can quickly obtain the swag and move on to the next booth.
Dive Directly into Technical Details:
If you want to gather technical information, ask specific questions related to the product or service.
For example, if the company provides a logging product, you can ask:
  • "Does it support real-time streaming logs?"
  • "Does it support matrix log analysis?"
  • "Does it support ETL jobs before logging into the matrix panel?"
  • "Does it support Kubernetes containerized applications?"
  • "What is the maximum limit of connections between my server and your logging agent?"
By delving into technical aspects, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of their product. Once you've gathered the necessary information, you can swiftly collect the swag and move on to the next booth.
Getting More Benefits from Salespeople:
Expanding Swag Opportunities:
Swag is always desirable, so consider these approaches to increase your chances:
  • "I'm interested in trying your product. Can I get a free trial?"
  • "If I scan the other QR code to submit the webinar, can I receive an additional piece of swag?"
  • "I really like this shirt. It's so beautiful! Could I get another one in blue?"
Special Case: When a Booth Has Nothing Left:
  • Me: "Don't you still have any T-shirts? My friends mentioned how great they are."
  • Salesperson: "Sorry, we're out of T-shirts. However, I do have some water buttons left. Would you like one?"
  • Me: "Yes, please. Thank you."
Ending the Conversation:
  • If you want to conclude the discussion and move on, these phrases can help:
  • "I have a general understanding of your product. Could you share more details via email?"
  • "I've taken notes on my phone. Thank you for your time."

Enjoy Afterparty and Sightseeing

  • Make sure to register for all the events.
  • Engage in conversations with people to find out which afterparties are highly recommended and worth attending.
  • Don't be shy as these events are informal and casual.
Pictures & Sightseeing:
  • Capture breathtaking landscape pictures during sunrise and golden hour.
  • Take a photo of yourself wearing an AWS badge, cap, and t-shirt to showcase your enjoyment at re:Invent.
  • Capture the energetic atmosphere of the game jam and game day, where numerous people come together to solve problems.
  • Look for memorable moments that you can capture and share on your social media.
  • Take candid photos of people smiling and enjoying themselves.
Las Vegas is a fascinating city with plenty to explore.
  • Take some time to wander around and discover interesting places and things.
  • The hotels are beautifully adorned and offer a stunning visual experience.
