
Amazon Bedrock: Anthropic’s model, Claude 2.1

This blog contains information regarding AWS Anthropic model Claude 2.1 and what it is difference

Published Jan 30, 2024
Anthropic’s model, Claude 2.1 was introduced in November 2023. It targets the enterprise level applications that can be used commercially.
Key Differences and enhancements:
  • Supports 200,000 tokens, roughly 150,000 words or around 500 pages of documents where Claude 2.0 supports 100,000 tokens
  • Helps to summarise, doing Q&A, forecast trends on various factors and did stats and comparison for multiple documents better than before
  • 50% fewer hallucinations
  • 30% reduction in incorrect answers
  • 3–4 times lower rate of mistakes in comparison of the documents
  • Can integrate different APIs
The model is available in AWS Bedrock in the US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon) Regions.
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