Background Jobs on AWS: Lambda vs ECS vs ECS Fargate

Background Jobs on AWS: Lambda vs ECS vs ECS Fargate

Deep dive into the nuances of processing background jobs in AWS, comparing traditional methods with fully serverless solutions, and pros and cons of both ways.

Published Jan 24, 2024
I've recently wrote an article that dives deep into using serverless tooling for background jobs processing. It compares the costs, down to per-millisecond pricing, and provides some advise on when you should choose which AWS service to process background jobs: https://mkdev.me/posts/processing-background-jobs-on-aws-lambda-vs-ecs-vs-ecs-fargate.
All of the numbers are taken from running a real website with around ~2k/jobs per day, and the final result looks like this:
Graph showing monthly cost of job processing at mkdev, comparing Lambda with Fargate and Fargate Spo
Monthly cost of job processing at mkdev

