Amazon Q and Amazon CodeWhisperer in Visual Studio Code

Amazon Q and Amazon CodeWhisperer in Visual Studio Code

Let's explore more AmazonQ and Amazon CodeWhisperer in Visual Studio Code

Published Jan 29, 2024
This is my first post on community.aws. I'm trying some features, and I think the features are good enough.
In my blog post, I mentioned some tools in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code. I will continue other improvements in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

Amazon Q in Visual Studio Code

I have explained in my previous post. However, I'll add more here. Amazon Q has great integration with Visual Studio Code. You can ask Amazon Q to explain the selected code, and they will explain the code.
Amazon Q Explain Selected Code
Amazon Q Explain Selected Code
Let's try another code, and guess what. The code explanation is quite good.
Amazon Q Explain Program
Amazon Q Explain Program
However, the follow-up questions and suggestions are not related to my previous questions/context.
You don't need to worry. The Amazon Q will give related suggestions after having more context.
Amazon Q Suggestions
Amazon Q Suggestions

Amazon CodeWhisperer in Visual Studio Code

In the Amazon CodeWhisperer, we can run the Security Scan. Let's try it out.
CodeWhisperer Options
CodeWhisperer Options
I think the suggestion is quite good. Let's take a look.

Whisperer Scan Result
Whisperer Scan Result

Thank you

Thank you for reading. If you have any suggestions for Amazon Q and Amazon CodeWhisperer in Visual Studio Code, feel free to give any feedback.
Thank you
Thank you
Image by katemangostar on Freepik
