Unlocking the Power of the Cloud: EC2
EC2 complete beginners guide
- Pay for what you use: EC2's pay-as-you model means you pay for the actual capacity you use. No need for upfront CapEx on servers and overprovisioning capacity that often goes unused.
- Scaling flexibility: The cloud elasticity of EC2 allows you to scale capacity and performance up and down to meet actual demands. This prevents overbuying resources.
- Serverless options: Services like AWS Lambda allow running code without ANY servers when workloads are intermittent or spiky. This is a highly cost-efficient approach.
- Reduced data center costs: With EC2 you don't need to house and operate your own data centers, which greatly drives down related cooling, power, real estate, and facilities costs.
- Bulk discounts: EC2 Reserved Instances provide greater discounts of up to 75% compared to On-Demand pricing through a 1 or 3 year commitment. This can cut TCO significantly.
- Spot instances: Using EC2 spot instances can save you upto 90% in costs compared to running heavy workloads on-premises 24/7. The model allows cheap spare capacity.
- Reduced labor: EC2 automation & management vastly simplifies deployment, updates & support. Less reliance on specialized on-prem ops teams further optimizes labor costs.
- Run Cloud-Native and Enterprise Applications
- Scale for HPC Applications
- Develop for Apple Platforms
- Train and Deploy ML Applications
- Hosting web/app servers
- Running enterprise apps
- High performance computing
- Batch data processing
- Analytics platforms
- Gaming servers and many more
- Instances
- Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
- Elastic IP addresses
- Security groups
- Regions, Availability Zones, Local Zones, AWS Outposts, and Wavelength Zones
- Instance types
- Instance store volumes
- Key pairs
- Amazon EBS volumes
- Tags
- Vendor dependency on AWS
- Perception of less control than on-prem
- AWS knowledge expertise required
- EC2 provides auto scaling functionality that will automatically launch or terminate instances to maintain the desired capacity based on demand. This helps handle spikes and dips in traffic efficiently.
- You can change the EC2 instance type on the fly without stopping or rebooting it. This is useful for resizing your instances in response to changing resource requirements.
- AWS offers Dedicated Hosts which provide visibility into the underlying sockets and physical cores of the hardware hosting your EC2 instances. This can be useful for software licensing purposes.
- EC2 instances can be launched from both Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) as well as AWS Marketplace images which contain software configurations from different vendors.
- EC2 instances support multiple Network Interfaces (multiNIC architecture). This allows creating management and data plane isolation at the network level.
- EC2 offers placement groups which provides additional control over where your instances are physically placed to optimize for lower latency, higher throughput etc. based on your application needs.
- You can change the EC2 pricing model from On-Demand to Reserved or Spot on the fly without any instance changes. Useful for cost optimization of steady-state workloads.
- EC2 has support for Encrypted Root Device Volumes and EC2 Dedicated Instances making it suitable for highly secure or regulated workloads.
- AWS Systems Manager service provides detailed system-level visibility and control into your EC2 instances like patch levels, processes, security configuration etc.
- The maximum number of Amazon EBS volumes that you can attach to an instance depends on the instance type and instance size