Doctor Z : Your Health Companion

Doctor Z : Your Health Companion

Check your Health Problems!

Published Feb 1, 2024
Doctor Z: Personal Symptom Checker for all your Medical Problems. Get a Health Check for yourself or suggest your friends. You can check your symptoms online and find out possible causes. Whatever's bothering you, from pain, headache, or anxiety to allergy or food intolerance, the Doctor Z Party rock app could help you find answers from the comfort of your home.
Made using AWS PartyRock.

What all to Expect?

  • Track your Symptoms.
  • Personalized Health Information
  • Health Assessment Report
  • Body Mass Index Calculator
  • Health Companion
  • Exercise and Diet Plan
  • Medicine and Treatments
  • Similar Cases in the Country
Disclaimer: These are all AI Based Results. Please also Consult a Real Doctor.
