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Docker Blind Mounts & Volumes Implentation

Docker Blind Mounts & Volumes Implentation

Blind mounts and volumes are two ways to manage persistent data in Docker containers.

Published Feb 4, 2024

Docker Blind Mounts & Volumes Implentation :-

Blind mounts and volumes are two ways to manage persistent data in Docker containers.
Let’s discuss each of them and how to implement hands-on practice

Blind mounts, also known as bind mounts, allow you to mount a directory from the Docker host into a container. This means that changes made to files in the mounted directory from either the host or the container are reflected in both places.
If you want to learn more Bind mounts | Docker Docs

Volumes are another way to manage persistent data in Docker containers. Docker volumes are managed by Docker and stored within the Docker data directory. They are often preferred over blind mounts for managing persistent data because they offer better performance and manageability.
If you want to learn more Volumes | Docker Docs

Create a Docker volume:-

Inspect the created volume :

Mount the docket docker image :

In this syntax: docker run -d — mount source=mani,target=/app nginx:latest

Inspect the docker run mounted images:

In this syntax:
ubuntu $ docker ps
1088bfab6648 nginx:latest “/docker-entrypoint.…” 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes 80/tcp reverent_ramanujan
ubuntu $ docker inspect 1088bfab6648

If you want to remove the volume mount, you need to stop and remove the container.

In this syntax:
docker stop CONTAINER_ID
docker rm CONTAINER_ID
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