Becoming AWSome featuring BEN Tech & BEN-DMV

Becoming AWSome featuring BEN Tech & BEN-DMV

Recruitment, Retention & Advancement of the Black Tech Community

Ray Thomas
Amazon Employee
Published Feb 27, 2024
Last Modified Mar 13, 2024
Today's episode of the AWS Twitch Podcast "Becoming AWSome," hosted by Ray Thomas and Jenna Lass, was a special one, featuring the vibrant voices from the Black Employee Network (BEN), specifically the chapters BEN Tech and BEN-DMV. 🎙️✨
Guests included Darius Robinson, Vice President of BEN Tech; Matthew Ruiters, President of BEN Tech; and Cash Ashley, President of BEN DMV. The episode kicked off with a warm and inclusive welcome, setting the stage for a discussion rich in insights, leadership experiences, and community impact stories. 🌍💬
The conversation delved into the objectives, achievements, and community engagement strategies of BEN Tech and BEN-DMV, highlighted by personal anecdotes and visions for the future from the leaders themselves. This episode not only showcased the initiatives of these chapters but also celebrated the power of diversity and inclusion within the tech sphere and beyond, offering listeners a dose of inspiration and a closer look at the importance of supportive networks in fostering growth and empowerment. 🌟🤝
Key Takeaways:
  • In-Depth Conversations: Engaging discussion with BEN Tech and BEN-DMV leaders provided valuable insights into their mission and impact. 🗣️🔍
  • Leadership Insights: Stories and strategies from Darius Robinson, Matthew Ruiters, and Cash Ashley highlighted the essence of visionary leadership. 🎓💡
  • Community Engagement: The episode underlined the significance of community involvement and the creation of inclusive spaces. 🤗🌈
  • Diversity and Inclusion Focus: A strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion principles, showcasing how BEN chapters drive these initiatives forward. 🎉🌐
  • Empowerment Through Community: The power of community networks like BEN in empowering individuals and fostering belonging was a major highlight. 💖👥
  • Leadership and Vision: Inspirational leadership stories encourage listeners to take active roles in their communities and embrace inclusive leadership. 🚀🌟
  • Collaboration and Growth: The collaborative spirit between BEN chapters and AWS showcases the potential for mutual growth and support. 🌱🤲
This episode was a testament to the transformative power of community, leadership, and shared visions in creating more inclusive and supportive environments, not just in tech, but in all professional spheres. Don't miss out on this inspiring journey into the heart of AWS's Black Employee Network. 🎧💼

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
