Completed my first PartyRock app  -- tried Healthcare

Completed my first PartyRock app -- tried Healthcare

My first attempt at generative AI using AWS Partyrock

Published Mar 11, 2024
Completed my first PartyRock app for the Devpost hackathon.
  • Super easy to go from zero to something
  • Some very high quality output on changing the literacy level of text and translation
  • The dev in me wishes there was a coding layer I could lay over the top (e.g. a little if this, then that)
  • A little slow
  • All the same imprecision of generative content
  • Can't reach the outside world
If you're beginning to dabble in Generative AI, this is an easy place to quickly (and free) learn something
Check out my app: https://partyrock.aws/u/dvockell/Mv8r7nGON/Cyrano
