Go net/http package: A quick tour of the server side APIs

Learn how to use the Go net/http library to build your web apps and services

Abhishek Gupta
Amazon Employee
Published Sep 27, 2022
Last Modified Mar 14, 2024
The Go programming language (also sometimes referred to as Golang) is known for its comprehensive, robust and well-documented standard library. This includes the net/http package, which provides the server and client side APIs for HTTP services.
Although the net/http package is quite rich in terms of functionality, some of it may be confusing for newcomers to the language. Coming from HTTP frameworks in other programming languages, I had trouble grokking some of the concepts, especially with so many occurrences of the term Handle - Handler, Handle, HandleFunc etc.
In this blog post, I will provide a break down of the important server-side components in the net/http package. The topics covered include:
  • HTTP Multiplexer and Handlers
  • HTTP Server
  • The default multiplexer
  • How to use functions to handle HTTP requests
Let's start off with the fundamental building blocks - ServeMux and Server.

ServeMux - HTTP multiplexer

ServeMux is responsible for matching the URL in the HTTP request to an appropriate handler and executing it. You can create one by calling NewServeMux.
The way you associate HTTP URLs to their respective handler implementations is by using Handle and / or HandleFunc methods in ServeMux instance.

Types of HTTP Handlers


One way is to use the Handle method which accepts a String and an http.Handler (which is an interface).
Since http.Handler is an interface, you need to provide an implementation to define how you want to process the incoming HTTP request.
Associating the http.Handler implementation involves passing an instance of the struct to the Handle method of http.ServeMux:
In this example, a request to the root URL of the server (e.g. http://locahost:8080/) will map to the implementation in the ServeHTTP associated with the home struct.


Let's see an example of how to use HandleFunc to assign a function to a request path without creating an explicit type. Like Handle, it is just another method in http.ServeMux. But, instead of an interface, it accepts a function as the implementation.
This is the type signature:
In this example, the handler associated with /posts, will simply return HTTP 200 response with the body - Visit http://bit.ly/just-enough-go to get started

HTTP Server

Once you have the handler and the mux defined, create an instance of a http.Server to tie everything together. Here is how you instantiate a server - Addr is the address on which the server listens e.g. http://localhost:8080 and Handler is an http.Handler instance. Start the server with ListenAndServe method.
At runtime, the request is dispatched to the appropriate handler based on the path (URL) in http.Request.
So far, we covered multiple components including ServeMux and how to define handlers. Then, we glued everything together using a Server. Here is the complete code listing that you can run:
To try this:
  • Save the code in a file (e.g. go-http-1.go)
  • Run it - go run go-http-1.go
  • Access the HTTP endpoints - curl http://localhost:8080/ and curl http://localhost:8080/posts

Default Multiplexer

You don't always need to define a http.ServeMux explicitly because the Handle and HandleFunc methods available in a http.ServeMux are also exposed as global functions in net/http package!
You can use them as such:
This is made possible by a ready-to-use multiplexer called DefaultServeMux. Similarly, the ListenAndServe function on the http.Server instance is also defined at a package level. It's commonly used along with the default multiplexer.
The handler parameter can be nil if you have used http.Handle and/or http.HandleFunc to specify the handler implementations for the respective routes.

Functions as handlers

http.HandlerFunc allows you to use ordinary functions as HTTP handlers in case you want to use a standalone function instead of defining a struct in order to implement http.Handler interface.
Here is a simplified example:
We defined a standalone function (welcome) with the required signature and used it in the Handle method that accepts a http.Handler.
HandlerFunc(f) is a Handler that calls the function f
Here is the code listing that you can run:
To try this:
  • Save the code in a file (e.g. go-http-2.go), and
  • To run - go run go-http-2.go
  • Access the endpoint - curl http://localhost:8080/welcome


If you're starting out building HTTP services using Go, it's good to know the key components and have a high-level mental model of the net/http package. Hopefully this blog post can provide a quick intro (or a refresher) and proves useful to you.
Happy Building!

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
