Which old-school game would you remake with today's tech?

Join me at the watercooler to talk old-school games.

Jenna Pederson
Amazon Employee
Published Mar 26, 2024
As a kid, whenever I got to play with my friend's Atari game console, we'd play Pitfall! If I were to play it again, I'm sure I'd be blown away by how basic the graphics and gameplay are compared to today's games. But what if Pitfall! were to be remade with today's technology? If it used virtual reality, could I feel like I'm swinging through the jungle on vines, sinking into quicksand and a tar pits, or running into crocodiles as I hunt for treasure? I'm sure there's more to upgrade beyond the visual experience but this makes me wonder...

Which old-school game would you love to see remade with today's technology?

Any game, from your past, remade with any of today's technology. Share your which game you'd remake with today's technology in the comments below.

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