Data Driven Well Architected | S02EP13 | Lets talk about data show

Data Driven Well Architected | S02EP13 | Lets talk about data show

In this Twitch session, we’ll be talking about how you can use data from the Well Architected Tool to drive improvements in software development.

Lydia Ray
Amazon Employee
Published Apr 5, 2024
In this season 2 episode 13 of "Let's Talk About Data" show hosted by Lydia, Matt demonstrates how to use data from the Well-Architected Tool to drive improvements in software architecture and development.
The Well-Architected Framework defines AWS best practices. Well-Architected Tool helps evaluate architectures against the framework. Matt shows an architecture that extracts Well-Architected review data into Amazon S3 using AWS Lambda functions triggered on a schedule. The JSON data is cataloged with AWS Glue and queried via Athena. Interactive dashboards are built in Amazon QuickSight to visualize risks, trends, and metrics across multiple workloads.
Matt also demos key features like creating custom lenses to tailor review questions, using review templates to speed up common reviews, and leveraging QuickSight Q natural language generation to query the data and produce insights.
Some of the key highlights are:
  • Well-Architected Framework defines best practices for AWS workloads.
  • Well-Architected Tool helps evaluate architectures.
  • Custom lenses allow tailoring review questions and scoring for specific environments.
  • Automated data extraction enables analysis of risks and trends across workloads.
  • QuickSight dashboards help focus priorities and drive iterative improvements.
  • Well-Architected reviews should be done regularly to improve architecture.
  • Reviews are a team effort including both engineers and business stakeholders.
Hosts of the show 🎤
Lydia Ray - Sr Analytics Solutions Architect @ AWS
Guests 🎤
Matt Houghton - Data Architect @ CDL Software
(AWS Community Builder, AWS Ambassador, 13 x AWS Certified)

Links from today's episode

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
