
ZeroETL, here to stay? | S01 E21 | Lets Talk About Data Show 

In ths show we discuss with Rob about ETL, ELT and Zero ETL and its evolution. In the second half Rob demonstrates Zero ETL via Demo and we focus on Rob's career and experience.

Prasad Matkar
Amazon Employee
Published Sep 13, 2023
Last Modified Apr 22, 2024
Screenshot from the stream or an image related to the topic
In this episode of Lets Talk About Data we discuss with Rob about ETL, ELT and Zero ETL and its evolution. In the second half Rob demonstrates Zero ETL via Demo and we focus on Rob's career and experience.
Check out the recording here:

Hosts of the show 🎤

Ibrahim Emara, RDS Specialist Solutions Architect @ AWS


Rob Koch, AWS Data Hero; Principal at Slalom Build;

Reach out to the hosts and guests:

  • Ibrahim: (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ibrahim-emara-b295a675/)
  • Rob: (https://www.linkedin.com/in/robkoch/)

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
