
Managing Infrastructure Data with CloudQuery  | S01 E16 | Lets Talk About Data Show

In this show we discuss about managing the infrastructure data using Cloudquery and how customers can benefit of having these detailed easily accessible via queries. In the second half of the show we have a detailed demo of how cloud query is able to query infrastructre related data and help provide useful insights to the end customers.

Prasad Matkar
Amazon Employee
Published Aug 9, 2023
Last Modified Apr 22, 2024
Screenshot from the stream or an image related to the topic
In this episode of Lets Talk About Data we discuss about managing the infrastructure data using Cloudquery and how customers can benefit of having these detailed easily accessible via queries. In the second half of the show we have a detailed demo of how cloud query is able to query infrastructre related data and help provide useful insights to the end customers.
Check out the recording here:

Hosts of the show 🎤

Tony Mullen, Senior RDS Specialist Solutions Architect @ AWS


Jason Kao, Head of Security Research and Solutions @ CloudQuery
Yevgeny Pats, Co-Founder & CEO at CloudQuery

Links from today's episode

  • AWS Backup Blog - https://www.cloudquery.io/how-to-guides/manage-resilience-with-aws-backup
  • Other Links -

Reach out to the hosts and guests:

  • Tony: (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-mullen-8b05927d)
  • Jason: (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaojason/)
  • Yevgeny: (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yevgeny-pats-5973328b/)

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
