Amazon Q for Business - Integrating with JIRA

In this post, I want to share how easy it was/is to connect data sources to Amazon Q Business. This configuration allows us to interact with Jira using natural language, utilizing AWS generative AI.

Published Jun 14, 2024
Amazon Q Business pricing offers two subscription models—Amazon Q Business Lite and Amazon Q Business Pro, this gives some flexibility to choose the right plan for everyone in your company. There are also free trial options, but be aware of the dates for subscription charges after the free trial is up.
Ready, let's jump in!
Navigate to Amazon Q on the AWS console
Select the "Q Business" link to start the Amazon Q Business Pro subscription, which will open the Amazon Q Business service.
Click the Create Application button
Provide a name for the application, then click on the "Create" button. Next, choose the option to "Use native retriever."
Click Next to add a data source, there are a ton of connectors!!
Select Amazon S3 as the data source:
Enter a name for the data source. From the dropdown menu for the IAM role, choose "Create a new service role." Then, select an existing S3 bucket from the list that's populated. For this example, I've pre-created an S3 bucket called s3://docw01 or s3://docw-0x, your bucket will be different and upload an AWS Bedrock or AWS Q document in PDF format to it.
Click the Add data source button to add the S3.
Then click the Create application button to create a new Amazon Q Business application!
Select your newly created application "my-demo-app," then click on the "Manage access and subscriptions" button. From there, add IAM Identity Center users and groups. I added a user "demo-mike" and selected "Q Business Pro" as my subscription type.
To initiate the synchronization of files in S3, just select "Sync now." If you have used AWS bedrock-agents/knowledge bases this is a similar process.
After the synchronization process completes, go to "Plugins" from the left menu.
Click the Add Plugins button, look for and select Jira.
Name your plugin, input as the Jira URL, and then click on the dropdown box to set up the secret configuration in AWS Secrets Manager for Jira. Enter the Jira username and Jira API token when prompted as shown. Pay close attention when entering both the username and Jira API, anything incorrect will cause issues with Jira access.
Select the "Add plugins" button to finalize the addition of the Jira plugin.
When you launch the Amazon Q Business App, it gives a nice web interface where you can enter prompts, upload files, and choose plugins as we will do with Jira.
Click on the three dots next to the prompt, then choose "Jira plug-in" from the options, or whatever you named the plugin when we added Jira.
Put a general AI prompt: summarize the features of AWS Q Developer and generate a Jira ticket.
I plan to keep testing more with AWS Q, and beyond just Jira where the other connectors-plugin can be used to unlock value and other powerful insights that are locked behind keyword searching.
I hope you found this helpful, happy to connect if you have any questions or ideas to share.

