Build an LLM Bot to Conquer Slay the Spire | S03 E18 | Build On Generative AI
Let's see how an AI can play Slay the Spire on it's own !
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- The article about the project https://community.aws/content/2esiarYrF0xRNOMPj0god4ikRzw/i-built-an-llm-bot-in-3-hours-to-conquer-slay-the-spire
- Mike Chambers: linkedin.com/in/mikegchambers/
- Tiffany Souterre: linkedin.com/in/tiffanysouterre
- Darko Mesaroš: linkedin.com/in/darko-mesaros/
- Banjo Obayomi: linkedin.com/in/banjo-obayomi-a22520a4/
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