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5 talks I'm going to at AWS Summit São Paulo 2024!

5 talks I'm going to at AWS Summit São Paulo 2024!

Whenever we go to an event, we check the schedule, the content and the organization in advance, and at AWS Summit SP, I've already marked some tech talks that I want to watch!

Published Aug 1, 2024
Just looking forward to the most interesting AWS event in Brazil, AWS Summit São Paulo 2024, we can see all the talks and the tech contents now, it's a BIG event to keep the eyes, for any reasons, like AI, Cloud Native Solutions, Cloud Security, Containers, etc. I made a point of signing up, because the event is well recognized and important for my career and for the AWS Community. Let's check the event schedule to keep be attention and don't lost anything post.

Get Started at the AWS Summit

7:00AM - 6:30PM: Badge distribution
8:00AM - 6:30PM: Expo open
8:30AM - 5:30 PM: Expo sessions
10:30AM - 11:30 AM: Keynote
12:00PM: Lunch - Lunch not included
12:30PM - 5:15PM: Parallel sessions
5:30PM - 6:30PM: Reception and Happy hour

Why should you go to the event?

As you know the AWS Summit is the awesome conference to know more about emergence technologies, IA insights, if you can go we will appreciate an action-packed day at AWS Summit São Paulo 2024 and experience the latest cloud innovations. Discover how cutting-edge technologies, from generative AI to analytics, are disrupting industries and empowering businesses to lead in the digital age.

Tech Talks I going to watch!

Let's check 5 tech talks I am going to watch:
Now that containers, Docker, and Kubernetes are everywhere, we have to ask the most important question: ‘how can we secure them?’. This talk will cover some fundamentals of how these systems work, provide ideas on where to start, and then look at practical examples of how you can improve the security of your containerized workloads. Presented by Datadog, an AWS Partner.
Tales Casagrande, Datadog
Many organizations find identity and access management in AWS to be a complex task. In this session, you will learn how AWS Identity Center simplifies this process by providing a robust, centralized framework for controlling user, group, and policy access across your AWS accounts.
Filipe Almeida, AWS Community Builder and AWS User Group Leader
As new technologies emerge, how can security teams retain and strengthen their protections without impeding progress? Prepare to lay a strong security foundation that truly gives organizations the confidence to accelerate innovation. In this session, learn how to integrate powerful security technologies with visibility and control to drive business speed and agility. Essential content on identity, data security, and network protection will be covered to help you prepare for your evolving security objectives.
Nathan Marques, AWS; Liz Menichetti, AWS
This presentation covers essential strategies for securing applications in cloud environments. Methods for mitigating threats, implementing secure access policies, and strengthening the protection of sensitive data will be discussed. The presentation is intended to provide a comprehensive and practical overview for IT professionals interested in strengthening security in the cloud computing era. Presented by Palo Alto Networks, an AWS Partner.
Rafael Mendes, Palo Alto Networks
Discover how to build a platform to improve the developer experience. In this session, we’ll explore how to achieve this with Crossplane, ArgoCD, and Amazon EKS. We’ll look at everything from the infrastructure team’s work and the tools used to the final developer experience. We’ll cover the practices and processes adopted to design an exceptional experience, from resource provisioning to application deployment. Learn how to innovate in platform engineering with Amazon EKS and the open-source world, and how to apply these concepts to your environment.
Peterson Larentis, AWS; Hellen Rosa, AWS
That's all! The idea is match all this presentations with my career as Cloud Security, so I can understand more points with the AWS Experts and apply in my projects I think. I hope find you there, take a coffee and enjoy the conference. Bests!
