Can Amazon Q Developer draw diagrams. No but yes!
Can Amazon Q Developer draw architecture diagrams? No it can't draw them but it can code them which then is drawn by the diagram tool.
Jean-Francois Landreau
Amazon Employee
Published Oct 11, 2024
Amazon Q Developer doesn't have the capability to draw, but it can code and it can code drawio files.
You can test a prompt like:
generate the drawio code representing an API Gateway, a Lambda function and a DynamoDB table connected together.
Then you get the following result. 
Now I can copy that in a file and display it with my preferred editor.
But I can also use Amazon Q Developer agent and install the drawio plugin in Visual Studio Code and in one step:
/dev generate the drawio code representing an API Gateway, a Lambda function and a DynamoDB table connected together in a file called my-diagram.drawio
, I get a new file in my workspace and can display it.
Here is the rendered file.

It was less clicks to achieve the same result but Amazon Q Developer agent takes a bit more time to do the work. So you have to decide if it's worth the time saved on your side.
However where I believe the agent is certainly more convenient is when you have some Infrastucture as Code files in your editor and you want to generate the corresponding code. Here I have a simple terraform file deploying an Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda and some IAM roles.

Let's ask Amazon Q Developer agent to generate the drawio file to represent the infrastructure in this terraform file with the prompt:
/dev generate the drawio code representing the infrastructure described in the files from this workspace.

What's interesting in that case is that Amazon Q Developer agent explored the workspace on its own, found the terraform file and generated the corresponding drawio file. All this happened with only one prompt. On the way, I had to tune the prompt in one or two occasions, though.
Please share the drawings you manage to get from Amazon Q Developer.
Yes in a way, it can draw.
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