Recap of Werner Vogels Keynote at re:Invent 2023
Uncover Vogels' re:Invent 2023 keynote for new announcements, 'The Frugal Architect' rules, and sustainable design insights. Ideal for tech enthusiasts seeking modern architectural strategies.
The 7 Laws of "The Frugal Architect"
Insights from Werner Vogel's Address
Financial Savings and Environmental Impact
Cost as a Crucial Aspect of System Design
Aligning Costs with Business Goals
Balancing Trade-offs in Architecture
Monitoring and Control for Cost-Efficient Architectures
Continued Improvement and Innovation

Can I get some free credits?No
II. Systems that Last Align Cost to Business
III. Architecting is a Series of Trade-offs
V. Cost Aware Architectures Implement Cost Controls
VII. Unchallenged Success Leads to Assumptions

Consider cost at every step

Vogels emphasized that ignoring costs while building technical and economic depth leads to debts you'll have to repay. He stressed the importance of the Systems that Last Align Cost to Business and summed it up as,
Pay off your debts

Align your priorities

Define your meter

Establish your tiers

Continuously optimize
The most dangerous phrase in the English language is 'we have always done it this way.'

Disconfirm your beliefs

If I can do it, you can do it

There's never been a better time to be a builderNow go build

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