How AI made my Amazon RDS for MySQL queries 23x faster

How AI made my Amazon RDS for MySQL queries 23x faster

Learn how I detected MySQL slow queries and optimised their performance with EverSQL’s AI-driven optimisation engine to get a 23x performance gain.

Published Jan 3, 2024
Last Modified Jun 6, 2024
Many people use Amazon RDS for MySQL for its ease of deployment and high availability, however its performance directly depends on the quality of the SQL statements we write to query it. Writing performant SQL might seem like magic: from indexes, to functions and subquery expressions, till data cardinality, there are a lot of factors into play when it comes to writing a well tuned SQL statement.  
This blog showcases how, using the AI-driven insights provided by EverSQL by Aiven, I was able to identify a slow performing query and automatically receive optimisation suggestions which made it 23x faster, all for free!
A fully integrated experience is now available for PostgreSQL® in Aiven AI Database Optimizer check it out for FREE
If you are interested in getting the best performance from your Amazon RDS for MySQL database, read the blog!
What you will learn
  • How to enable Amazon RDS for MySQL slow queries log, a feature which tracks non-performant SQL statements in your database
  • How to connect the EverSQL sensor to an Amazon RDS for MySQL instance and start receiving performance insights and optimization suggestions
  • How to optimize a query by adding indexes and rewriting the SQL statement

Create an Amazon RDS for MySQL service

If you don’t have an Amazon RDS for MySQL service up & running already you can create one by navigating to the RDS page in the AWS console and click on Create Database.
RDS Create database
  • In the Engine options section select MySQL and the 8.0.33 as version
  • Select the Dev/Test Template that is sufficient for our example
    Template Dev/Test
  • In the Settings section leave database-1 as DB instance identifier and set a Master password
  • In the Instance configuration section select db.m5.large, the minimal instance size is sufficient
    Instance configuration - db.m5.large selected
  • In the Connectivity section, enable Public access 
Enabling Public Access can expose the database to the internet. It's suitable for demo purposes, but for production systems, consider enabling VPC access only from dedicated hosts.
  • In the VPC security group (firewall) section select Create new to create a new VPC security group and enter aws-rds-mysql-security-group as name
    public access - new security group
  • In the Monitoring section disable Performance Insights.
    performance insights
Amazon RDS Performance Insight allows you to monitor RDS databases, review changes in behaviour and pinpoint problematic queries. However, the optimisation of these queries is still up to us. The AI-driven solution by EverSQL shown in this blog provides not only visibility on performance alterations but also index and query rewrite suggestions.
  • Click Create database
    The above command starts the creation of the Amazon RDS for MySQL database.

Enable MySQL slow query log

In order to monitor the MySQL database, we need to enable the slow query log. The slow query log captures every statement taking more than the specified long_query_time seconds to execute. To enable the slow query log we need to:
  • Create a new parameter group
  • Customize the parameters to enable slow query log
  • Associate the parameter group with the Amazon RDS for MySQL database

Create a new Parameter group

A Parameter group allows us to define a set of custom parameters to associate to one or more database instances. To create a new parameter group:
  • Navigate to the Amazon RDS console
  • Choose Parameter group
    New parameter group
  • Select Create parameter group
  • In the Parameter group family section select mysql8.0
  • In the Type section select DB Parameter Group
  • Write slow-query-parameter as Group Name
  • Write Slow query parameter as Description
    Parameter group details
  • Click on Create

Customize the parameters in the Parameter group

Once created the parameter group, we can customize the parameters within it. 
We should now see the newly created Parameter group called slow-query-parameter. Click on it to edit.
Customise parameter group
  • Click on Edit
  • Set the following parameters:
  • general_log = 1 to enable logging
  • slow_query_log = 1 to enable slow query logging
  • long_query_time = 1 to log every query taking more than 1 second (you can change the parameter as needed)
  • log_output =FILE to write the slow query log in a dedicated table queryable by SQL
  • Click on Save Changes

Associate the Parameter Group to Amazon RDS for MySQL

The last step in the setup is to associate the parameter group with the Amazon RDS for MySQL instance created. To do so:
  • Navigate to the Amazon RDS console
  • Click on Databases
  • Click on the database-1 we created previously
  • Click on Modify
  • In the Additional configuration section, select slow-query-parameter as the DB parameter group
    Additional configurations
  • Click on Continue
  • The Summary of modifications showcases the change in the DB parameter group, select the Apply immediately to restart the database and apply the changes.
  • Click on Modify DB instance
    Alert: After clicking on Modify DB instance, the database reboots immediately to make the necessary modifications to the parameters. After a few minutes the database will be up and running again and we’ll be able to connect to it.

Create an EverSQL account

As mentioned at the beginning, we’ll use EverSQL for our optimization. EverSQL monitors the database, and gives us AI-driven performance insights and optimization suggestions. You can create a FREE EverSQL account by:
  • Navigate to EverSQL
  • Click on Start Optimizing for Free
  • Select Analyze why my database is slow
    EverSQL analyse why my database is slow
  • Select MySQL
  • Select Amazon RDS
  • Select Native SQL. We are assuming we can directly change the SQL queries. If you are using an ORM to manage the database, please select the dedicated option
  • After creating the account, select Analyze why my database is slow
  • Click on install now, it takes 60 seconds
  • The screen in the below picture showcases the steps needed to install the EverSQL performance sensor and provide the personal API key
    EverSQL sensor - API key

Install the EverSQL sensor from the Amazon Serverless Application repository

With both the Amazon RDS for MySQL instance and EverSQL account created, we can now install the sensor that monitors the database load with the following steps:
  • Click on Deploy
  • In the  Application settings section:
  • Leave EverSQL-Performance-Sensor as Application name
  • Write database-1 as AwsDBServersList, this name should match your database name
  • Write the AWS region where the Amazon RDS for MySQL instance is deployed (e.g. eu-west-3 for Paris)
  • Copy the EverSQL API Key in the EverSQLApiKey field
  • Check the I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles checkbox
    EverSQL - Sensor deployment details
  • Click on Deploy
    Alert: if you don’t see the sensor as available in the EverSQL console, don’t worry! We’ll need to generate some slow traffic for it to show up.

Download the dataset

For the purpose of the blog, we’ll use the Newyork Taxi Trip Data from Kaggle. This dataset provides information about New York taxi trips and can be downloaded once created a free Kaggle account.
After signing in, click on the Download button.
Newyork Taxi dataset

Once the zip file is downloaded, we can extract it and navigate with the terminal within the folder which contains a list of CSV files called yellow_trip_data together with the year and month.

Connect to the Amazon RDS for MySQL instance

The next step is to connect to the MySQL instance and generate some traffic
  • Navigate to the Amazon RDS Console
  • Click on Databases
  • Click on the database-1 we created previously
  • In the Connectivity and security section we can find the Endpoint and port 
  • With mysql command line already installed, we can execute the following command to connect:
  • [USERNAME] is the MySQL user, by default admin
  • [HOST] is the database hostname, that you can find in the Connectivity and security section
  • [PORT]  is the database port, that you can find in the Connectivity and security section
  • [PASSWORD] is the MySQL password that we set during the database creation

Load the data

Once connected, we can start loading the taxi data, but, first of all we need to create a database and a table that will contain the dataset. We can do it with the following script.
The above script:
  • Creates a database called taxi
  • Creates a table called taxi_trips
  • Creates a table called taxi_zones
    Now let’s load the data.We can use the LOAD DATA MySQL command for this.
The above command loads 7667793 records in the taxi_trips table. By switching the file name in the 2nd row of the above SQL (now mentioning yellow_tripdata_2019-01.csv) we can also load the other 17 files loading data for 2019 and 2020.
We can also load the taxi_zones table with 133 records with the following statement.
To create a slow query we can run the following SQL statement to retrieve the average number of the trips starting from the Queens or Manhattan and are on date 1st Jan 2019.
This is a complex query, so the execution time should be greater than the 1 second we defined for slow queries. In my test, the query lasted 16.47 seconds on average.

Verify the presence of the slow query log

Before heading to the EverSQL console, we can verify that our query appears in the slow query log. The log entry is only created when a slow query is detected in our database and, until the log is created, the sensor will not appear in the EverSQL console.
To check the presence of the slow query log:
  • Navigate to the Amazon RDS console
  • Click on Databases
  • Click on the database-1 we created previously
  • Click on Logs & events
  • Scroll down to the Logs section
  • Verify the presence of the slowquery/mysql-slowquery.log log
    slowquery log

    If the mysql-slowquery.log is not appearing, reboot the database and issue the query again.

Optimize the query with EverSQL

It’s finally time to optimize our query using EverSQL! We can head to the EverSQL sensor page and we should see the sensor being active on database-1.
EverSQL sensor screen

So far so good! The next step is to head to the EverSQL dashboard console page. Scrolling down, we can see the Your SQL Queries Container section listing the query we executed previously. We can find an Optimize button that provides us insight on how to speed the query.
Note: The EverSQL sensor runs every 3 minutes by default. You might need to wait a few minutes for your query to show up in the EverSQL console.
The EverSQL Optimization engine suggests the following:
  • Adding three indexes, one for the taxi_trips based on payment_type and tpep_pickup_datetime and two for taxi_zones on LocationID and Zone, more one dedicated to the Borough
  • Rewriting the query to the following, avoiding using the DATE function in the filter condition and limiting the data from taxi_trips (filtering for the tpep_pickup_datetime and payment_type) before joining. All the explanations are available in the same window.
After creating the indexes, the updated query now executes in just 0.71 seconds. This is a more than 23x performance increase!


To get the most out of our Amazon RDS for MySQL we need to spend time understanding what SQL statements impact performance and how to optimize them. Small changes in the database structure and SQL statements can have an amazing impact on performance like an immediate 23x gain!
EverSQL allows us to monitor the database, review insights about non performing queries or workload anomalies and automatically receive suggestions on indexes and sql rewrites, exactly what we need to optimize performance and spend on our MySQL instance.
