Welcome to Season 3! | S3 E01 | Streaming on Streaming

Welcome to Season 3! | S3 E01 | Streaming on Streaming

In this episode, we're kicking off season 3 of Streaming on Streaming.

Todd Sharp
Amazon Employee
Published Jan 18, 2024

Season 3 Kick Off!

Welcome to Season 3 of Streaming on Streaming. If you're new to the show, we're glad to have you here! This show is all about building interactive live streaming applications powered by Amazon IVS. We focus on building out both low-latency and real-time streaming apps. In this episode, we'll give a quick overview of Amazon IVS for those who may not be familiar and even show you how to quickly get started directly in the AWS management console.


  • Show & Host Intro
  • What is Streaming on Streaming?
  • What is Amazon IVS?
  • Low-latency Live Streaming
  • Real-time live streaming
  • Stream Chat
  • Getting Started

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