Security Groups and Classic Ports
These are all theories on security group of EC2 instances and classic ports.
1) Security Group can be attached to multiple instances it is not locked to only one instance.
How do you connect inside of your server to do some maintenance?
Suppose you have a house (which represents server) and you want to go inside of your house to clean it ( which represents doing some maintenance here). And you have a special key to enter your house, the key is unique and secure which allows you to enter your house. This is SSH in your server which is a command-line platformshelps you access your server and execute commands. It is available on Mac,Linux and window>=10 versions. And for windows<=10 version you can use something called "Putty", they do the exact same thing like using SSH to access your house (server) and connect to your EC2 instances. It was initially written for windows but now it is available on other UNIX-like platforms as well. It is a free and open-source terminal emulator application. Now as the techs evolved and now every house has digital lock where you enter a code to unlock the door to your house. This is like EC2 Instance Connect on your servers. By using your web browser you can connect to your EC2 instances. It is available for Linux, Mac and all the versions of Windows as well. Also it's a secure way to connect to your instances without the need of physical key (SSH key). It only uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and principals to control your SSH access removing the need of SSH key. For this you have to use Amazon NX2.