Live Streaming from Unity Games | S3 E06 | Streaming on Streaming

Let's broadcast a game built in Unity to Amazon IVS in real-time!!

Todd Sharp
Amazon Employee
Published Feb 15, 2024

Live Stream from a Game!!

Are you ready to build engaging, interactive games that live stream without third-party software? Want to add dynamic objectives and environments influenced by viewer chat and polls? What about user-controlled cameras? Multi-cam streams? All this and much more is possible when you integrate live streaming to an Amazon IVS real-time stage directly into your Unity game. We're going to see how to get started in this episode, by broadcasting a simple game to an Amazon IVS stage.
  • Topic Intro
  • Creating an Amazon IVS Stage
  • Creating a New Game
  • Broadcasting to the Amazon IVS Stage

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Please forgive the 20 seconds of muted audio in the beginning! Oops! 😬

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