Hacking Science Learning: A Gen AI App Building with PartyRock!

Brainstorming cool app ideas for the PartyRock hackathon? This post explores using a generative AI tool (think brainy friend) to find inspiration and build an interactive science learning experience! Stay tuned for the app reveal and AI tricks for visualizing science! ✨

Published Mar 11, 2024
Hey, science enthusiasts and tech tinkerers!
Today, I'm taking you on a journey through building my app for the PartyRock hackathon. It's all about making science learning fun and accessible, and guess what? We're going to use some serious AI muscle to achieve it!
The app link: https://partyrock.aws/u/mostafaai/-nMoMkb64/Interactive-Science-Explorer
The snapshot link: https://partyrock.aws/u/mostafaai/-nMoMkb64/Interactive-Science-Explorer/snapshot/tOnWpSb9o
The demo YouTube video link: https://youtu.be/c029m-QfQ6g


PartyRock is a cool platform that lets you build AI-powered apps without needing to be a coding wizard. Perfect for someone like me! But before diving in, I wanted to brainstorm some killer app ideas. Enter Gemini, Google's awesome chatbot with a brain full of possibilities.
My first thought? Leverage AI to its fullest potential! So, I chatted with Gemini about PartyRock, my hackathon goals, how Partyrock works, and what information it needs to build an app. I even mentioned the hackathon categories (think "Interactive Learning Experience" or something super cool like that). I fed Gemini all the good stuff to help it suggest some amazing app ideas that fit the bill.
Hold on a second, there's more! Before you ask, Gemini didn't just hand me a finished app idea on a silver platter (although that would have been pretty sweet). What it did was suggest a list of existing apps within those categories. This way, I could pick the one that sparked the most inspiration and get those creative juices flowing!

Step by Step:

So, stay tuned! In the next part, I'll reveal the app concept I chose and walk you through the exciting world of building it on PartyRock. I'll explore how to leverage AI for interactive learning experiences and maybe even trick it into describing cool staff (even if it can't quite show them yet).
Get ready for some idea exploration fun with a dash of AI magic! ✨
The summary of Gemini's response is as follows:
Category 1: Interactive Learning Experience
  1. AI Science Lab
  2. Personalized Language Tutor
Category 2: Creative Assistant
  1. AI Story Co-Writer
  2. AI Music Composer
Category 3: Experimental Entertainment
  1. AI Dungeon Master
  2. AI Art Remixer
Category 4: Freestyle
  1. AI Recipe Generator
  2. AI Workout Coach
Remixing the Side Quest App (ChatRPG):
  1. AI-powered Chat Detective
  2. AI-driven Role-Playing Game with worldbuilding
Fantastic! This is the power of AI, isn't this?
After getting a list of cool app ideas from Gemini, I picked "AI Science Lab" as my favorite. Since I still needed help building it, I asked Gemini for something called "prompts." These prompts would be like special instructions that would help my PartyRock app work its AI magic!
The Gemini's exact response is as follows:
Here are prompts for an AI Science Lab app that utilizes text generation and user input for a science learning experience:
Welcome Screen (Text Widget):
"Welcome to the AI Science Lab! Explore scientific concepts through interactive simulations and explanations."
Science Concept Input Widget (Text Input):
Prompt: "Enter a scientific concept you'd like to learn about (e.g., photosynthesis, gravity, cell division)."
Information Gathering Widget (Multiple Choice or Text Input):
Prompt (Multiple Choice): "What aspect of [concept] are you interested in learning about?" (Options can be dynamically generated based on the concept entered by the user.).
OR (if multiple choice is not supported)
Prompt (text input): "Tell me what specifically interests you about [concept]." (e.g., "How does it work?" or "What are the different stages?")
Interactive Simulation Widget (Text with Formatting Options):
Based on the user's input, the app generates a text-based simulation.
Prompt 1: "Imagine a virtual experiment simulating [a specific aspect of the concept]. Here's what happens:" (The app would then describe the simulation step-by-step.)
OR (for more complex concepts)
Prompt 2: "Let's break down [the concept] into smaller steps. Here's a simulation of [specific step]:" (The app would explain each step with scientific details.)
Explanation Widget (Text with Formatting Options):
After the simulation, the app provides a clear explanation:
Prompt: "Here's a scientific explanation of what you just observed in the simulation about [concept]." (The app would use clear language and avoid jargon.)
Additional Engagement Widgets (Optional):
You can add a "Did you know?" section with interesting facts related to the concept. (Text Widget with Prompt: "Did you know...?").
Include a glossary widget where users can tap on scientific terms used in the explanation to see a simple definition. (Text widget with link functionality—simulate hyperlinks by displaying definitions upon tapping the term.).
Keep the prompts clear, concise, and easy to understand for a general audience.
Use scientifically accurate language, but avoid overly technical terms.
Focus on engaging explanations and interactive simulations through text descriptions.
By using these prompts, you can create a text-based AI Science Lab app that allows users to explore scientific concepts in a fun and interactive way within the limitations of PartyRock.
Imagine you're giving instructions to a super-powered but easily confused friend. That's kind of what AI models are like! To get the most out of them, we need to provide clear and specific instructions – and that's where prompt engineering comes in.
Think of prompts as magic recipe cards for your AI. By carefully crafting prompts that explain what you want the AI to do, you can unlock its full potential. In my case, I needed prompts that would guide the AI in my PartyRock app:
  • Explaining scientific concepts clearly.
  • Generating interactive simulations (think mini science experiments in words!).
  • Creating descriptions of science visuals, even if the app couldn't show them directly.
Getting ideas from responses, I made my prompts adding some points, and pasted them into the app builder text area field.
Partyrock app builder
With my magic prompts in hand, I dove into PartyRock's app builder.
And voila! The generative AI-powered app is ready to test!
Here's what happened:
We got the fantastic UI view and full-featured functionality all thanks to PartyRock's user-friendly platform. Anyone can create powerful apps, with no coding required! As said on the site;
"PartyRock makes learning easy with a hands-on, code-free app builder. Experiment with prompt engineering techniques, review generated responses, and develop intuition for generative AI while creating and exploring fun apps." - Partyrock

The App Widgets:

  • The first widget is the welcome title with a description.
Interactive Science Explorer | AWS Partyrock AI App
Interactive Science Explorer | AWS Partyrock AI App
  • User Input: This is where the science exploration begins! Users can type in the scientific concept they're curious about, like "photosynthesis", "gravity" or "cell division". They can even delve deeper by specifying a specific aspect, like "light absorption in photosynthesis" or "falling objects in gravity, and so on".
Interactive Science Explorer User Input Partyrock app
Interactive Science Explorer User Input Partyrock app
  • Science in Action! Based on the user's input and my carefully crafted prompts, the app uses AI magic (LLM - Large Language Model) named Claude to generate two exciting features in the next two widgets:
    • Simulations: Imagine mini-science experiments in words! The app generates a text-based simulation that explains the chosen concept interactively.
    • Explanations: Don't worry about confusing jargon! The app uses AI to provide clear and concise explanations of the scientific concept, making it easy to understand.
Interactive Science Explorer Generative AI App Simulation Explanation
Interactive Science Explorer Generative AI App Simulation Explanation
Expanding the Lab (Optional):
PartyRock offers cool additional widgets you can add to your app. While I focused on user input, simulations, and explanations, I missed something else like imagination and further learning procedures. So I explored further by adding new widgets:
  • Image Generation: This widget uses prompts to create images that visually represent the scientific concept. There are different types of style presets like 3d model, Cinematic, Anime, Digital art, and so on. I used the 3d model as a style preset for visualizing scientific concepts and Stable Diffusion XL as the LLM (Large Language Model) from Stability AI.
Image Generation Partyrock Generative AI App
Image Generation Partyrock Generative AI App
One of the coolest features is the ability to generate image prompts on the fly based on user inputs! This innovative approach lets users visualize scientific concepts in a whole new light. This automatic image prompt generation is a game-changer!
  • Chatbot: Ever wanted a science-savvy chatbot companion? Learning shouldn't feel like a lecture! Ask the app's friendly chatbot questions conversationally,
Chatbot Generative AI Partyrock
Chatbot Generative AI Partyrock
and it will not only answer them but also suggest helpful resources for further exploration of the topic.
Chat with Interactive Science Explorer Partyrock App
Chat with Interactive Science Explorer Partyrock App
No more endless internet searches! The chatbot suggests links to trustworthy websites and articles, saving you time and frustration while deepening your understanding.
Chat with Interactive Science Explorer Partyrock Generative AI App
Chat with Interactive Science Explorer Partyrock Generative AI App
I tried with a different topic in chat, I mean, not related to user inputs. It is not supported to reply with info and simply say "I'm not sure what you mean by ..." or "I apologize, but I'm not aware of ..."
Chatbot generative ai app partyrock
Chatbot generative ai app partyrock
This is the drawback I was facing when I asked in chat about the US or Bangladeshi president, it answered with some info although those topics were different.
The app is public right now. Check it out here.
The demo video on YouTube is here.
Here is the summary of the problem statement, the target audience of the app, and the solution as follows;

The Problem:

Traditional science education can be passive and lack interactivity, hindering engagement and understanding for some learners. Textbooks can be overwhelming with jargon, and labs require expensive equipment and supervision.

Target Audience:

The Interactive Science Explorer is designed for anyone curious about science, regardless of age or background. Whether you're a student looking for a more engaging way to learn, a parent wanting to explore science with your kids, or simply someone with a lifelong fascination with the world around you, this app is for you!

The Solution:

We built the Interactive Science Explorer using Amazon PartyRock, a platform that allows users to create AI-powered apps without coding. Here's how the app tackles the challenges of traditional science learning:
  • Interactive Learning: Users choose the science concept they want to explore and the specific aspect that interests them, fostering a sense of ownership in their learning.
  • Clear Explanations: The app uses AI to generate clear and concise explanations, ditching the confusing jargon often found in science textbooks.
  • Interactive Simulations: Forget expensive labs! The app uses text-based simulations to bring science concepts to life, allowing users to visualize the process interactively.
  • Accessibility: The app is built with accessibility in mind, allowing anyone with a smartphone or tablet to explore the wonders of science, regardless of location or resources.

This is just the beginning!

We're constantly working on improving the Interactive Science Explorer. Here's a glimpse into the future:
  • Multilingual Support: Making science exploration accessible to a wider audience by translating the app into various languages.
  • Advanced Image Generation: As AI image generation technology evolves, we'll integrate it into the app for a more visually engaging experience, potentially offering multiple image styles preset based on user preference.
  • Expanding Content: We're always looking for ways to expand the app's knowledge base, adding new scientific concepts and functionalities based on user feedback.
The Interactive Science Explorer is a stepping stone towards a future where AI personalizes and enhances science learning for everyone.
The interactive science explorer app link: https://partyrock.aws/u/mostafaai/-nMoMkb64/Interactive-Science-Explorer
The snapshot link: https://partyrock.aws/u/mostafaai/-nMoMkb64/Interactive-Science-Explorer/snapshot/tOnWpSb9o
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Helpful resources:

  • https://partyrock.aws/
  • https://stability.ai/
  • https://stability.ai/stable-image
  • https://clipdrop.co/stable-diffusion
  • https://aws.amazon.com/bedrock/claude/
  • https://aws.amazon.com/bedrock/
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzIZcgaTruA
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6p-u-BwJww
  • https://youtu.be/c029m-QfQ6g
