Using GenAI to Generate Custom Amazon IVS Live Stream Backgrounds

Using GenAI to Generate Custom Amazon IVS Live Stream Backgrounds

A step by step guide to empowering your Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) live stream with generative AI background images.

Tony Vu
Amazon Employee
Published Jan 12, 2024
Last Modified Mar 22, 2024
The duration of the image generation process in the animation above has been shortened to more quickly demonstrate the background replacement effect.
Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) is a managed live-video streaming service that empowers developers to create real-time streaming applications. With Amazon IVS, you can empower creators to engage audiences with content from live events, live shopping, and user-generated content (UGC) just to name a few.
Live stream content creators are increasingly expecting fun, dynamic background options from their chosen user generated content (UGC) platforms. Using the magic of Generative AI and the power of the Amazon IVS Broadcast SDKs, developers can offer creators the ability to create such an experience and give them a captivating twist that differentiates their app from other options.
In this article, we will walk you through a step-by-step process on how to create a web app to replace the background of your web camera’s feed, integrate it with Stable Diffusion XL on Amazon Bedrock to generate a background image with a prompt, and create a real-time live stream experience with your new GenAI background image using Amazon IVS. Stable Diffusion XL is an AI-based model that generates images from a textual description.
The code for this tutorial is available on Github. You can also try a live demo of this web app.

What you will learn

  • How to replace the background of a live stream with a custom image using MediaPipe Image Segmenter
  • How to live stream yourself with your custom background with Amazon IVS
  • How to leverage generative AI to replace the background in your camera feed using Amazon Bedrock
  • How to create an AWS Lambda function function to invoke the Stable Diffusion model via Amazon Bedrock
✅ AWS LevelIntermediate - 200
⏱ Time to complete60 minutes
💰 Cost to completeFree when using the AWS Free Tier
🧩 Prerequisites- AWS Account
💻 Code SampleGitHub
📢 FeedbackAny feedback, issues, or just a 👍 / 👎 ?
⏰ Last Updated2024-01-12

Solution Overview

This tutorial consists of seven parts:
  • Part 1 - Include dependencies and setup MediaPipe Image Segmenter
  • Part 2 - Setup the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast SDK for live streaming
  • Part 3 - Setup access to the Stable Diffusion model in Amazon Bedrock
  • Part 4 - Create a Lambda and API Gateway to send a prompt to the Stable Diffusion model
  • Part 5 - Prompt our way to a new background image with GenAI
  • Part 6 - Replace our background with the new image
  • Part 7 - Test our live stream
The following diagram shows how we will be replacing the background in our camera feed with a custom image. At a high level, we will get the underlying pixels from our custom background image and our raw camera feed by writing them both to canvas elements. Concurrently, we also pass our video feed to MediaPipe Image Segmenter (a tool from Google, more on this later) which returns a segmentation mask indicating which pixels are more likely to be in the foreground or background. Using that data, we copy the corresponding pixels from the custom background image and the camera image to a canvas. We then capture the real-time video from that canvas and pass it to the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast SDK for live streaming.
Amazon IVS Background Replacement Overview
Diagram showing an overview of how to do background replacement with Amazon IVS

Part 1 - Include dependencies and setup MediaPipe Image Segmenter

To replace our background, the first step is to identify which parts of our image are in the background so that we don’t inadvertently replace what’s in the foreground. This is where MediaPipe Image Segmenter comes in. This is a tool within the MediaPipe framework that enables developers to perform image segmentation in real-time. You will be using it to separate the foreground of an image from its background.
To use MediaPipe Image Segmenter, let's install the @mediapipe/tasks-vision. We will also install Webpack so that we can later bundle our JavaScript.
Next, create some starter HTML in an index.html file. We will also take this opportunity to include the IVS real-time streaming Web Broadcast SDK for live streaming. Replace <SDK Version> with the latest version number.
Note: Extraneous HTML attributes have been removed from all HTML code snippets in this article for readability. Refer to the Github repo for the full solution.
Let’s now add some crucial HTML elements to our burgeoning HTML file. Add a <video> element which will contain your live camera feed and will be used as input to the MediaPipe Image Segmenter. Also create a <canvas> element that will be used to render a preview of the feed that will be broadcast. You will also need to create a second <canvas> element that will be used to render the custom image provided by Stable Diffusion that will be used as our background. Since the second canvas with the custom image is used only as a source to programmatically copy pixels from it to the final canvas, it is hidden from view.
We will also add buttons to join and leave what is known as a stage in Amazon IVS. A stage is a virtual space where participants can exchange video in real time. In order to join a stage, you also need a participant token so we have added an input field to specify one. Normally your application would generate this token for the user programmatically via the AWS SDK, but we'll keep things simple in this application. A participant token both identifies to Amazon IVS the specific stage to join and serves as an authentication mechanism. This token can be generated using the AWS console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDK.
Finally, let’s add a button we can click to send a prompt to Stable Diffusion XL to generate an image. Clicking this button will bring up a modal to enter a prompt to describe what we want our background image to look like.
Add a script tag before the closing </body> tag to load a bundled JavaScript file that will contain the code to do the background replacement and publish it to a stage:
Next, create a JavaScript file called app.js to get the element objects for the canvas and video elements that were created in the HTML page. Additionally, get the elements for our background change controls and model for later usage. To set up live streaming later with Amazon IVS, import Stage and LocalStageStream from IVSBroadcastClient. Additionally, import the ImageSegmenter and FilesetResolver modules. The ImageSegmenter module will be used to perform the segmentation task.
Next, create an instance of ImageSegmenter using an async function, The ImageSegmenter will segment the image and return the result as a mask. When creating an instance of an ImageSegmenter, we will use the selfie segmentation model. This model is ideal for telling us which pixels in the image are in the foreground vs the background.
Let's dissect this createImageSegmenter() function one line at a time. This function creates an image segmentation model using MediaPipe. First, it uses FilesetResolver to load the WebAssembly (WASM) module for vision tasks from the MediaPipe NPM package. Using a WASM module allows computationally intensive tasks like image segmentation inference to be run directly in the browser without installing additional packages. It then calls ImageSegmenter.createFromOptions to initialize a new segmenter model.
The options passed in to ImageSegmenter.createFromOptions include:
  • baseOptions, which specifies the model asset path (a TensorFlow Lite model hosted on Google Storage) and sets the delegate to use the GPU.
  • runningMode, which sets the model to operate on video frames.
  • outputCategoryMask, which tells the model to output a category mask instead of just bounding boxes. The category mask indicates whether a given pixel in the image is more likely to be in the foreground or the background.
The function returns a Promise that resolves with the initialized ImageSegmenter object once loading is complete. This will allow us to asynchronously initialize the model without blocking execution of the rest of the JavaScript code.

Part 2 - Setup the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast SDK for live streaming

In this part, we will go over how to use the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast SDK to live stream your camera feed from a canvas. To start live streaming, there are three core concepts that make real-time live streaming work.
  • Stage: A virtual space where participants exchange audio or video. The Stage class is the main point of interaction between the host application and the SDK.
  • StageStrategy: An interface that provides a way for the host application to communicate the desired state of the stage to the SDK
  • Events: You can use an instance of a stage to communicate state changes such as when someone leaves or joins it, among other events.
The first thing we need to do is get the user’s live camera feed. We will later be using the pixel data from this video stream by writing it to a canvas element combined with a custom image to create a virtual background. Create a function called init() to retrieve a MediaStream from the user’s camera. We will later be calling this function and passing in the URL to an image from Stable Diffusion XL. As a default, let’s use an image of a beach.
Next, in order to publish our video so the audience can see it, let’s capture the MediaStream from our first canvas element and assign it to segmentationStream. For now, this MediaStream will just contain our camera feed. Later on, we will add logic to replace the background with a custom image.
Once we have a MediaStream we want to publish to an audience, we need to join a stage. Joining a stage enables us to live stream the video feed to the audience or other participants in the stage. If we don’t want to live stream anymore, we can leave the stage. Let’s add event listeners that listen for click events when an end user clicks the join or leave stage buttons and implement the appropriate logic.
Next, assign the MediaStream from the local camera to our video element. Additionally, we also invoke a custom callback function every time a camera frame is loaded, which we will name renderVideoToCanvas. Later on in this article, we will implement this function and explain it in detail.
The complete init function now looks as follows.
Next, let’s add the logic for the joinStage function. In this function, we’re going to get the MediaStream from the user’s microphone so that we can publish it to the stage. Publishing is the act of sending audio and/or video to the stage so other participants can see or hear the participant that has joined. We also need to implement the StageStrategy interface by defining the shouldSubscribeToParticipant, shouldPublishParticipant, and stageStreamsToPublish functions.
First, let’s implement the stageStreamsToPublish function. This function is used to determine what audio and video streams to publish. To do that, it returns an array of LocalStageStream instances. Using the MediaStream instances from the microphone and the canvas, assigned to segmentationStream, we can create instances of a LocalStageStream. Then, all we need to do in the stageStreamsToPublish function is return the instances of LocalStageStream we just created in an array. This will enable the audience to hear our audio and see our video.
Next, implement the shouldPublishParticipant function by simply returning true. This indicates whether you, the local participant, should publish your media streams.
Next, implement the shouldSubscribeToParticipant function. This function indicates whether our app should subscribe to a remote participant’s audio only, audio and video, or nothing at all when they join the stage. We want both audio and video so we return SubscribeType.AUDIO_VIDEO.
To finish up the joinStage function, create a new Stage object passing in the participant token and strategy object we just set up as arguments. The participant token is used to authenticate with the stage as well as identify which stage we are joining. You can get a participant token by creating a stage in the console and subsequently creating a participant token within that stage using either the console or AWS SDK. Later on, we will call the join method on a stage object to join a stage.
Finally, let’s add some logic to listen for Stage events. These events occur when the state of the stage you’ve joined changes such as when someone joins or leaves it. Using these events, you can dynamically update the HTML code to display a new participant’s video feed when they join and remove it from display when they leave. The setupParticipant and teardownParticipant functions do each of these actions respectively. As a final step we call the join method on the stage object to join the stage.

Part 3 - Setup access to the Stable Diffusion model in Amazon Bedrock

We now have set up our app to stream our local camera’s video feed, but we don’t yet have a custom background image beyond the default one we hardcoded. This is where Amazon Bedrock with the Stable Diffusion XL image generation model comes in. To get set up with Amazon Bedrock, follow the getting started guide. Once Amazon Bedrock is set up, navigate to the model access link in the console, and go to the Manage model access page. Select the checkbox next to SDXL 0.8 under Stability AI which is short for the Stable Diffusion XL Beta 0.8 model and click Request model access. This is an early beta for Stability AI’s foundation model for image generation.
Amazon Bedrock Model Access
Now that we have access, let’s quickly test it using the AWS CLI with a simple prompt. You will need AWS CLI version 2 or later to run the following comment. Follow these instructions to update AWS CLI if you have an older version.
Running this will return a JSON response (see truncated example below), indicating whether the call was successful, along with the image as a base64 encoded string.

Part 4 - Create a Lambda and API Gateway to send a prompt to the Stable Diffusion model

To programmatically access this from our web app, let’s create a Lambda function. Head over to the Lambda console and create a function with Python 3.9 as the runtime. Add the following code to your Lambda function
This code uses the AWS SDK for Python to invoke the Stable Diffusion XL model we just added through the Bedrock console. In our Lambda function, we expect the JSON request body that is sent to contain the prompt describing the generated image, the desired width, and the desired height in pixels. Those parameters will then be passed to the AWS SDK for Python to invoke the Stable Diffusion model and return the generated image as a base64 encoded string. We will then return the base64 encoded string from our Lambda function as a JSON object for consumption by our web app.
Note that as of this writing, the AWS SDK for Python, Boto3, that comes with Lambda does not include the Bedrock runtime. If you get the error "Unknown service: 'bedrock-runtime'" when you invoke this Lambda, follow these instructions to create a layer that uses the latest version of Boto3. You will then need to add this new layer Lambda’s function configuration. Once you do that, this Lambda then returns a JSON response that looks similar to the following.
Note, the base64 encoded string is quite long and has been truncated in the following example for illustrative purposes.
Next, create an API Gateway to trigger the Lambda function we just created. Open the API Gateway console, click Create API, and then build a HTTP API. Add a Lambda integration and select the Lambda function we just created from the dropdown. Specify a name for the API and click Next.
API Gateway console - Create an API
On the next screen, configure a POST route and leave the resource path and integration targets as is. Click Next to configure stages. Remove the default stage and add a staged name “image”. Enable auto-deploy and then click Next. You should then see a screen similar to the following to review the configuration you have specified. Click Create to finish.
API Gateway console - Review and Create
After creating the API gateway, you can then get the invoke URL by following these instructions (follow the instructions under the New REST API console tab). Copy the invoke URL as we will be using it in the next step.

Part 5 - Prompt your way to a new background image with GenAI

Let’s add logic to listen for a click event when the change background button is clicked. Clicking this button will bring up a modal with an input field to provide a description of the background we want. Once the form is submitted, it will call our API gateway endpoint and run inference on our Stable Diffusion Model via Amazon Bedrock to return an image. The image is returned as a base64 encoded string which we will then draw directly to the second <canvas> element we created earlier. We then pass the base64 encoded string to the initBackgroundCanvas function to do this, which we will explain next.
The initBackgroundCanvas function is defined as follows, which is also added to app.js. This function simply renders our generated image directly to the canvas. We do this so that we can use the Canvas API to copy the individual pixels from the <canvas> element to do the background replacement.

Part 6 - Replace your background with the new image

To replace the background in our camera feed with a new image, let’s now implement the renderVideoToCanvas function we mentioned earlier. This function renders the video feed to the second canvas element in our HTML. We need to render the video feed to a canvas so we can extract the foreground pixels from it using the Canvas 2D API. While doing this, we also will pass a video frame to our instance of ImageSegmenter, using the segmentforVideo method to segment the foreground from the background in the video frame. When the segmentforVideo method returns, it invokes our custom callback function, replaceBackground, for doing the background replacement.
Create the replaceBackground function, which merges the custom background image with the foreground from the camera feed to replace the background. The function first retrieves the underlying pixel data of the custom background image and the video feed from the two canvas elements created earlier. It then iterates through the mask provided by ImageSegmenter, which indicates which pixels are in the foreground. As it iterates through the mask, it selectively copies pixels that contain the user’s camera feed to the corresponding background pixel data. Once that is done, it converts the final pixel data with the foreground copied on to the background and draws it to a canvas.

Part 7 - Test your live stream

To run this app locally, bundle your JavaScript by creating a webpack config file named webpack.config.js as follows
Update your package.json file to run webpack as your JavaScript bundler when you run the build script. Specify webpack.config.js as your Webpack config file.
Now run your build script from the command line to bundle your JavaScript. Doing so lets us use the import statement within app.js without any issues.
Finally, start a simple HTTP server from the directory containing index.html and open localhost:8000 to see the result. You should see a local camera feed with a new background image. Alternatively, we can also consider using http-server as our HTTP server.
In your browser window, create a participant token in the AWS console, provide it to the input field in your web app, and click join stage. You are now publishing your video feed with the custom background image to a stage.
To test if someone else joining the stage can see your avatar, open the Amazon IVS Real-Time Streaming Web Sample in another browser window, create another participant token, provide it in this browser window and click join stage. You should now see the video feed of yourself with the custom background applied. This is how other audience members joining the stage would see your video feed. You can click the change background button to provide a prompt for a new background image and within seconds you will see your video feed updated with the new background image!
Animated GIF of background replacement demo


As we wrap up this tutorial, you should now be equipped with the knowledge to transform your live streams using AI-generated backgrounds, bringing a dynamic and polished look to your audience. AI-generated backgrounds open the door to transporting you and your live stream audience to a new world. Happy streaming, and let your creativity flow with your new, limitless streaming environment!
If you enjoyed this tutorial, found any issues, or have feedback for us, please send it our way!

About the Author

Tony Vu is a Senior Partner Engineer at Twitch. He specializes in assessing partner technology for integration with Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS), aiming to develop and deliver comprehensive joint solutions to our IVS customers. Tony enjoys writing and sharing content on LinkedIn.

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
