AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension with Python: A Practical Example
Using the AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension can speed up your Lambda code and save you money. In this practical example we will go through a full example, complete with a couple of gotchas I found that could catch you out
Published Jul 3, 2023
Last Modified Apr 28, 2024
Storing your secrets and parameters in Secrets Manager and Parameter Store respectively is the best way to keep them secure, highly available and accessible to all your AWS Services. Quick and simple, it saves the trouble of needing info stored on your local machine, or worse still add the secrets to your git repo, a huge no-no and likely to get you excoriated by all those who discover them. Traditionally in a lambda you could access this data through an SDK call; fine, but it could involve making the call every time your lambda runs, which can add unnecessary cost. Cache the variable inside the lambda? OK, but now you're using a lambda with insecure, or perhaps stale secrets. Far from ideal.
Enter the AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension.
The Lambda Extension both retrieves and caches your Secrets Manager secrets and Parameter Store parameters for you, making it simpler and cheaper, and according to some sources, potentially faster as well.
In this short article, I'll run through a practical example step by step, firstly using the console, then a SAM template, and finally CDK to access our secrets. I'll also talk quickly about some of the pitfalls and gotchas I came across when working with the extension for the first time and how to overcome them.
You will need an AWS Account and a basic knowledge of the Console to begin with; if you'd like to use the SAM or CDK versions, a working knowledge of those will be useful too. Log in to your account and make sure you are in a region that supports the extension

For this exercise we'll focus on Secrets Manager. After navigating there in the console we'll store our secret as a key value pair. This can be whatever you want but for my example I'm going to store a key of
and a value of testValue

Use the standard encryption and navigate to the next page, where we'll add the name of our secret and a description, if desired. I'm naming the secret

Keep all other settings as default and click through the pages until you reach 'Review'. You'll notice they give example code for retrieving your secret using the SDK - but we don't want to use that. Instead, click 'Store' to save your secret.
NB - If it doesn't look like your secret has been stored immediately, press the refresh button on the page (next to
Store a new secret
) and it should appear.
Now that we have our secret let's create a lambda to retrieve it. Navigate to the Lambda page in the console and click on
Create Function
. Choose Author From Scratch
and give the function a name - I'm going with secretsLambdaExtensionFunction
. Choose Python 3.10 for your runtime (I've chosen arm64 for my Architecture as it is slightly cheaper to run, if you do the same make sure you are in a region that supports the extension with ARM)
For the moment, we're going to create the default lambda execution role (although we'll need to change it later). So scroll down and click
Create Function
. Once created, the function page should open and you'll be able to see the default code inside the code window.Scroll to the bottom of the page and the section labelled
and click on Add A layer

Keep the
AWS layers
option and select AWS-Parameter-and-Secrets-Lambda-Extension-Arm64
if not using ARM) from the drop-down menu, then create the latest version (there is currently only one). Click Add

Copy and paste the following into the Code window of the lambda window, replacing what is already there:
A number of things to notice here:
- We're importing the
modules. Lambda's Python 3.10 environment does NOT include therequests
module by default. This is our first gotcha! - We're using the
module to get the environment variableAWS_SESSION_TOKEN
, to pass in as a header for the request to the Extension. This variable is there already inside the lambda runtime, so you don't need to do anything else to be able to access it. - The default port for the extension is 2773. We can change this if needed but there's no reason to.
- The request is made via a local endpoint, which returns an object, which we then need to turn into a dict that we can get our test value from.
- We've added a print statement so you can see how the data looks, but obviously this wouldn't be recommended normally. Keep those secrets secret!
Then click
and wait for notification that your new code is ready to use!. Click Test
, Configure Test Event
and create a name for your test, using the 'Hello world' setup. Save and run the test.Our function errored! This is not what you signed up for! Let's inspect our error for clues.
It's saying there is a json decode error but that's not the underlying reason - if you look carefully at the error message there was an
from the Extension. We need to look at the permissions for the execution role.Click on the
Tab and then the Permissions
Section. Click on the name of the role - secretsLambdaExtensionFunction-role...
or similar. This will open up the role's iam page.
We could attach a policy to give us full read and write access to Secrets Manager, but that defies the rule of 'least privilege', so instead we'll add only the permission to read the secret that we want. If we were fetching from Parameter Store, we would need to add similar permissions to access from there.
Click on
Add Permissions
and then Create inline policy
. Choose the JSON
tab and then paste in the following:You'll need to retrieve the ARN of your Secret, from the Secrets Manager page click on the name and copy the 'Secret Arn' and then paste it in.

Navigate back to the function and hit the test button again. Success!

If you click the test button several times you'll see the return is almost instantaneous due to the cache.
So now we have a working lambda which fetches and caches our secret. But there's a lot of clicking buttons and navigating around the console, and we don't want to have to do that every time we want to perform this operation in the future, do we?
Let's look at incorporating it into a SAM template
As you can see, we add the extension in the same way that we would add any lambda layer. Now for another gotcha - the arn of the Extension! It will vary dependent on your region, so look it up here.
We're also being slightly less specific with our permissions resource here - this would be suitable if we don't know what secrets we will be accessing yet.
We're also being slightly less specific with our permissions resource here - this would be suitable if we don't know what secrets we will be accessing yet.
For CDK enthusiasts like myself, it's even easier:
Even though I write my CDK in Typescript, you can see I've inlined the python code inside of the file, meaning all of our infrastructure allocation and the lambda code is contained inside one small file! We're also using the version of the extension rather than it's arn, although you can do that too. We're importing the secret arn, so you'll need to grab that from the Secrets Manager console page. And because we're granting access to the function to retrieve the secret the permissions are all handled for us, so we don't need to muck about with iam at all.
So now we have 3 different ways to start using the AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension! Let me know if you have any questions, problems or issues, and happy building!