Getting started with your Raspberry Pi Pico W and AWS IoT Core in under 30 minutes

In this guide, we will walk you through quickly connecting your Raspberry Pi Pico W to AWS IoT Core, so you can start building your cloud-connected IoT project.

Varinder Dhanota
Amazon Employee
Published Dec 19, 2023
Last Modified Jul 8, 2024
This guide is co-authored by Perry Feler and Varinder Dhanota.
Let’s assume that you have an amazing idea for a new Internet of Things (IoT) project. What hardware makes sense for your use case? And how do you easily connect it to the AWS cloud?
There is a lot of variety in IoT hardware, and given device constraints, there also can be many challenges – such as limited connectivity options, or integration complexity with other components. Security and software support can also vary. For many, a general purpose, all-in-one solution is ideal to accelerate development.
One popular hardware choice is the Raspberry Pi Pico W (“Pico W”) microcontroller board, for its low cost, versatility, and built-in wireless capabilities. It is a compact, dual core microcontroller board that has built-in 2.4GHz 802.11n wireless LAN and Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity, making it easy to get your device connected to a network. (You can learn about the Raspberry Pi Pico series of boards here.)
Once you have a Pico W, though, the next step is to connect it to AWS to take advantage of the choice and flexibility of over 200 fully-featured services – ranging from IoT data ingest, data storage, analytics, and more – allowing you to build a robust IoT solution. The starting point for all of this will be AWS IoT Core, which helps you securely connect and manage IoT devices at scale. Through IoT Core, your devices can exchange messages using MQTT, HTTP, or WebSockets protocols, and interact with downstream services.
In this guide, we will walk you through quickly connecting your Raspberry Pi Pico W device to AWS IoT Core, so you can start building your cloud-connected IoT project.
Here are the main steps:
  • Create a Thing in AWS IoT Core, and set up the certificates and IoT Policy
  • Configure your Pico W device to connect to AWS IoT Core
  • Test and validate by sending data from the Pico W to AWS
  • Send data back from AWS to the Pico W
The best way to learn about AWS IoT is to get hands-on experience. So let’s jump into setting up your first device and getting it connected!


Before we get started, make sure you have the following ready:
  • AWS account with console access
  • Raspberry Pi Pico W hardware device
  • Development computer with Thonny installed
  • Micro USB cable to connect your Pico W device to your development computer
  • WiFi network name and credentials to connect your Pico W device to the internet

Creating a Thing in AWS IoT Core

In this section, we will use AWS CloudShell to issue AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) commands for creating an AWS IoT Thing. In AWS IoT, a Thing is a virtual representation of a hardware device in the cloud - in this case, your Pico W device. Then, we will generate the digital certificates and keys needed for mutual authentication between your Pico W device and AWS IoT Core. Finally, we will create an IoT Policy that will define the access permissions for your device in AWS, and attach the policy so it takes effect.
AWS CloudShell is a browser-based command prompt that you can access from within the AWS Console. It allows you to quickly run AWS CLI commands, without having to install and configure the AWS CLI on your development computer.
[1] Log into your AWS account via the AWS Console.
[2] Select the region you would like to create the IoT resources in.
[3] Open AWS CloudShell by clicking the “>_” icon along the top of the console.
AWS CloudShell
[4] Install OpenSSL into the CloudShell session. OpenSSL is an open-source tool for working with digital keys and certificates. It is a pre-requisite for further steps. Enter the following command in the CloudShell prompt:
[5] Define a name for the Thing in AWS:
  • Each Thing needs a unique name. In this example, we are using RaspberryPiPicoW for illustration purposes, but you can select any name.
  • The name will be stored in an environment variable for later steps.
[6] Create the Thing in AWS IoT, assigning the Thing name from earlier:
[7] Generate the keys and certificates needed for authenticating the Thing:
  • Digital certificates are used for mutually authenticating between devices and AWS IoT Core. At a later step, device certificates will need to be uploaded to your Pico W device, so they can be presented by the device.
  • As a best practice, every IoT Thing should have its own unique certificate.
  • This command will produce a key and a certificate file. Then, the certificate’s ARN and ID values will be captured and stored in environment variables for later use.
[8] Create the IoT Policy for the Thing:
  • The command will use the Thing’s name as part of the policy name to ensure uniqueness.
  • Once attached to a Thing in AWS IoT, this IoT Policy will control what that Thing can access.
  • Caution: This IoT policy is overly permissive but is easiest for illustration purposes. Practicing least privilege is a security best practice - hence permissions should be locked-down to permit devices to only access what they need, and nothing more. For more details and best practices on writing IoT policies, please refer to Best Practice 1.2 – Assign least privilege access to devices.
[9] Attach the IoT Policy to the certificate:
  • In AWS IoT, IoT Policies are attached to certificates. The policy will then apply to a Thing when you attach the certificate to that Thing.
[10] Attach the certificate to the Thing:
[11] Convert the certificates to DER format:
  • The MicroPython firmware running on your Pico W requires keys and certificates to be in DER format.
    Therefore, this additional step is required to convert the private key and certificate file into that format before uploading them to the device.
[12] Download the certificate and key files from CloudShell:
  • You will need 2 files, and they will need to be downloaded one at a time.
a. In the CloudShell window, click Actions.
CloudShell action menu
b. Select Download file.
c. You will be prompted to provide the path/name of each file. As the files have been saved to ~ (current user's home directory), you can just enter the filename. Download the key file key.der.
CloudShell download key
d. Click the Download button.
e. Do this step again for certificate file cert.der.
CloudShell download certificate
  • Note where your browser saves those files to your local computer. You will need them shortly.
[13] Get and save the IoT Endpoint url for later:
  • The AWS IoT Endpoint will be unique to your AWS account. Your fleet of devices will connect to it.

Configure the Raspberry Pi Pico W Device

Now that we have setup your device on the cloud side, we now need to configure the hardware device locally.
You will connect your Pico W device to your development computer via the micro USB cable, and access it via Thonny. Thonny is an open-source Python IDE ideal for learning. For this tutorial, we assume that you have already installed Thonny on your computer. At the time of writing, we were using Thonny v.4.1.2.
[1] Launch Thonny on your computer.
[2] Connect your Pico W device to your computer using the micro USB cable.
[3] Thonny detects your device.
  • If this is your first-ever use of your Pico W device, you will need to install the MicroPython firmware on it before continuing. To do so, please follow the official instructions here (stopping at the point where you copy the firmware files and then open the Thonny editor). Once the firmware is installed, disconnect and reconnect your device. Then, continue to the next step.
  • Depending on how many devices Thonny detects on your computer, you may need to specifically select your Pico W device from the list in the bottom right corner of the Thonny window. It is very likely that you are looking for an option that will be labelled (or contain) "MicroPython (RP2040)" or "MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)", followed by a serial port ID. Either selection should work.
    Thonny device selection
[4] Install the MQTT client on your Pico W:
a. In Thonny, under the Tools menu, select Manage Packages.
b. In the search box, enter umqtt.simple, and click Search.
Thonny package search

c. Select umqtt.simple from the search results and install the latest stable version of the package.
Thonny package install
* Note: At the time of publication, umqtt.simple version 1.3.4 was used and tested. If you face issues with a later version, please revert to umqtt.simple version 1.3.4.
d. Click Close.
[5] Upload certificate and key files to your Pico W device:
  • In Thonny, ensure the Files pane is visible. If not, select View menu, then Files.
  • The top half of that pane represents your computer.
  • The bottom half of that pane represents your Pico W device (in our example showing as RP2040 Device).
    Thonny file panes
a. In the RP2040 device portion (bottom) of the Files pane, create a folder in the root called certs:
  • Click the menu icon () and select New Directory.
  • Enter the name certs.
    Thonny cert folder
  • Click OK.
  • Double click on the certs folder to go into it.
b. From the This computer (top) portion of the Files pane, browse to the location of the downloaded certificate files on your local computer:
  • Select each .DER file individually.
  • Right-click each .DER file and select Upload to /certs.
c. From the RP2040 device portion (bottom) of the Files pane, you should now see the two .DER files in the certs folder on the device.
Thonny cert upload to Pico W
[6] Create the script on the Pico W device to connect to AWS IoT Core:
  • You will create a file called in the root of your Pico W device. Your device will execute this script every time it powers-up.
  • Below (Appendix 1), we have provided sample code that you can paste into it. Before you can connect your device to AWS IoT Core, you must update this script with some additional configuration information, such as local wifi credentials, device name, and your AWS IoT Core Endpoint.
a. With your Pico W device still connected to your development computer, open Thonny.
b. Navigate to the root of the device (bottom half of Files pane).
c. Click the menu icon (), and select New File.
Thonny new file

d. Enter the filename:
Thonny file

e. Copy and paste the sample code (from Appendix 1) into the file.
  • We will be making minor adjustments to the sample code. All required edits are grouped together and occur in between the comment lines Start code modification and End code modification. The area is clearly marked by a full line of # characters.
f. Replace the Wifi credentials:
  • SSID = b‘<your wifi network name>’
  • PASS = b‘<your wifi password>’
  • If you have any special characters in your SSID or password, you may need to escape them with a \ character.
g. Replace the Thing name:
  • The sample code uses CLIENT_ID = b’RaspberryPiPicoW’, but if you defined a different Thing name earlier, substitute that name for RaspberryPiPicoW.
h. Replace the AWS IoT Endpoint:
  • Refer to the output of Step 13 in Creating a Thing in AWS IoT Core to get your AWS IoT Endpoint.
  • Paste the AWS IoT Endpoint into AWS_ENDPOINT = b’<your IoT Endpoint value here>‘.
i. Save the file to update changes.
  • Tip: The code is heavily commented. Feel free to browse through the remainder of the script to see what the various sections do.
[7] Click the Run current script button in Thonny to execute the script for testing. Otherwise, the device will execute at power-up.
Thonny toolbar run button

Validate Message Flow Between the Pico W and AWS IoT Core

Now that we have configured the Pico W device and its corresponding Thing in AWS IoT Core, we are ready to test.
From within Thonny:
When you run the script in Thonny, if the device is successfully connecting and your configuration is valid, you will start to see messages appearing in the Shell pane every 5 seconds. You will see messages starting with Publishing topic....
We can then validate that MQTT messages are flowing to AWS IoT Core by following these steps:
[1] Login to the AWS Console.
[2] Search for, and select IoT Core.
[3] Click on MQTT test client on the left panel.
[4] In the right pane, click Subscribe to a topic:
  • In the Topic filter text box, enter the topic defined as PUB_TOPIC in the file. In our example: /RaspberryPiPicoW/temperature.
    MQTT client subscribe
[5] Click the Subscribe button.
[6] You should see a new message appearing in the test client every five seconds. This confirms that the device is successfully sending messages to AWS IoT Core.
The device’s script also subscribes to a topic (defined as SUB_TOPIC). In our example, /RaspberryPiPicoW/light. You can test sending data back to the device by publishing a test message to this topic.
[1] Staying within the AWS IoT MQTT test client, click on Publish to topic:
a. Enter the topic name for publishing: /RaspberryPiPicoW/light.
b. For the message payload, clear the box and paste in the following JSON payload:
[2] Click Publish to send the message to the device.
[3] When the device receives the message, the on-board LED will illuminate (Green).
[4] You can also turn the light off by sending another message with following JSON payload:

Bonus: View the Created Resources in AWS IoT Core

While you are in the AWS IoT Core console, you can explore the different IoT constructs that we created earlier with our CloudShell CLI commands. Regardless of whether you use the AWS console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDKs, the resulting resources will be the same, and can be explored and manipulated by any of these different methods.
In AWS IoT Core console:
[1] You can see the IoT Thing:
  • In the left column, under Manage, select All Devices > Things.
    • It will list all of your AWS IoT Things.
    • Click any of them for more details.
[2] You can see the IoT Policy:
  • In the left column, under Manage, select Security > Policies.
    • It will list all of your AWS IoT Policies.
    • Click any of them for more details.
[3] You can see the Certificates:
  • In the left column, under Manage, select Security > Certificates.
    • It will list all of your AWS IoT Certificates.
    • Click any of them for more details.


In this guide we showed you how to quickly setup and on-board your Raspberry Pi Pico W device with AWS IoT Core.
We used the browser-based AWS CloudShell command-line interface to create a virtual representation of the device as a Thing in AWS IoT Core. We also created the certificates and set its permissions via the IoT Policy. We then used the Thonny IDE to configure the device locally by installing the required MicroPython libraries and certificates, and then modified the script. Finally, we validated the device’s connectivity with AWS IoT Core by sending messages to AWS IoT and observing them in the MQTT test client. We also sent messages back to the device to manipulate the device’s on-board LED.
Now that your device is connected, you are set to explore and learn more about the various other features in AWS IoT Core, including the ability to leverage other AWS services. For example, you can create rules to save your device’s data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), or a variety of databases, such as Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon DynamoDB, or Amazon TimeStream. You can also send alerts via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), or trigger code using AWS Lambda when certain conditions are detected.

Next Steps and Learn More

Learn more about AWS IoT, Raspberry Pi Pico, and MicroPython:

Appendix 1:

Sample MicroPython code for Raspberry Pi Pico W:

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
