
Ivy the IVS Live Stream GenAI Assistant - Now with 100% JavaScript Goodness! | S4E05 | Streaming on Streaming

We have way too much fun talking with Betty the Bedrock assistant. Oh, and we also look at a pure JS implementation of the GenAI powered Amazon IVS live stream assistant.

Todd Sharp
Amazon Employee
Published May 2, 2024

Browser Based Virtual Live Stream Assistant

I'm not sure if I'm technically allowed to have this much fun in a live stream. In this stream, we are looking at the evolution of Ivy, the Amazon IVS live stream virtual assistant. We've been working on this project for a bit now, and we've moved from a Unity based project to running it completely in the browser using three-vrm. We talk about some of the decisions and how it's done - and get completely sidetracked with some virtual assistant hijinks along the way. Tune in next week for a deeper technical dive at the JS code behind the browser based bot!

Betty Explains What It's Been Like to Work with JS for 20 Years


A Short Rap About Amazon EBS


An Existential Introspection Courtesy of GenAI


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