Migrating to Amazon RDS for Db2 : Approach and Best Practices | S02 E29 | Lets Talk About Data
In this show we explore the options available for migrating Db2 database to Amazon RDS for Db2 and best practices involved.
Prasad Matkar
Amazon Employee
Published Aug 7, 2024
Last Modified Nov 7, 2024
In this Twitch show, the guests Brenesh and Chris discussed the migration of on-premises Db2 databases to Amazon RDS for Db2. They provided an overview of Db2 and its evolution, including the available deployment options. They then explored the different migration approaches, such as rehosting (like-for-like migration) and replatforming (changing the underlying platform), and the various tools and strategies available for each approach.
In the second half of the show Brenesh and Chris demonstrated the steps involved in migrating a Db2 database to Amazon RDS for Db2, including creating an S3 bucket, configuring policies and roles, and performing both offline and online backup and restore. They emphasized the importance of planning and preparation, testing the migration process, handling incremental changes, and effectively managing the final cutover for a successful migration. They also provided a comprehensive overview of the best practices and considerations for migrating Db2 databases to the managed service offered by AWS.
Some of the important points discussed in show were:
- Exploration of migration approaches: rehosting and replatforming
- Demonstration of the migration process, including offline and online backup and restore
- Emphasis on planning, preparation, testing, and managing the final cutover
- Importance of choosing the right instance size and storage types
- Consideration of downtime and the use of native tools vs. third-party tools
- Discussion of key steps for mission-critical DB2 database migrations
Check out the recording here:
Prasad Matkar - Database Specialist SA @ AWS
Brenesh - Senior Solutions Architect Analytics @ AWS
Chris Hutchings - Senior Database Specialist SA @ AWS
- Amazon RDS for Db2 Overview- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/db2-overvew.html
- Data migration strategies to Amazon RDS for Db2 - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/data-migration-strategies-to-amazon-rds-for-db2/
- Near zero-downtime migrations from self-managed Db2 on AIX or Windows to Amazon RDS for Db2 using IBM Q Replication - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/near-zero-downtime-migrations-from-self-managed-db2-on-aix-or-windows-to-amazon-rds-for-db2-using-ibm-q-replication/
- Using IBM Db2 for Linux, Unix, Windows, and Amazon RDS database (Db2 LUW) as a source for AWS DMS - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Source.DB2.html
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