Unleash power of Mainframe Data | S02 E36 | Lets Talk About Data
In this show we discuss about mainframe data, cloud native services built in AWS to modernize and leverage the data for real time processing. We also discuss about CQRS a pattern that separates read and update operations for a data store.
Prasad Matkar
Amazon Employee
Published Oct 4, 2024
Last Modified Nov 7, 2024
In this Twitch show, the guests Brenesh, Karthick, Rajagopal and Haritha dive deep into the topic of mainframe data modernization and how enterprises can leverage AWS services to unlock the full potential of their mainframe data. They explore the key drivers behind the growing need for mainframe data modernization, such as the demand for real-time data access, the rise of cloud computing, and the need to address technical debt. They also discuss the common challenges organizations face when trying to migrate mainframe data to the cloud, including the complexity of legacy systems, the sheer scale and volume of data, data integration challenges, and stringent security and compliance requirements. Finally, they showcase how AWS Mainframe Modernization Data Replication with Precisely, can help organizations overcome these hurdles and unleash the power of their mainframe data through real-time replication, seamless integration, and scalable, high-performance data pipelines.
Key Highlights:
- Mainframe data modernization is a hot topic as organizations realize the untapped value of their mainframe data and the need to integrate it with cloud-based applications and analytics.
- Key drivers include the need for real-time data access, the rise of cloud computing, and the need to address technical debt in legacy mainframe systems.
- Common challenges include the complexity of legacy systems, the scale and volume of data, data integration issues, and stringent security and compliance requirements
- AWS Mainframe Modernization Data Replication with Precisely can help organizations overcome these challenges by enabling real-time data replication, seamless integration, and scalable, high-performance data pipelines.
- The solution supports a range of mainframe data sources, including DB2, VSAM, IMS, COBOL copybooks, and more, and can replicate data to various AWS data stores like Amazon MSK, Amazon RDS.
- The solution uses a CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation) approach, separating read and update operations for the mainframe data to ensure high-performance and scalability
Check out the recording here:
Prasad Matkar - Database Specialist SA @ AWS
Brenesh - Senior Partner Solutions Architect @ AWS
Rajagopal Srinivasan - Senior Partner Solutions Architect @ AWS
Karthick Periyasamy - Senior GTM Solutions Architect @ AWS
Haritha Ravilla - Senior Specialist Solutions Architect @ AWS
- AWS Mainframe Modernization Data Replication with Precisely - https://aws.amazon.com/mainframe-modernization/capabilities/data-replication/
- Unlock Mainframe Data with Precisely Connect and Amazon Aurora - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/unlock-mainframe-data-with-precisely-connect-and-amazon-aurora/
- Change Data Capture with Connect - https://www.precisely.com/resource-center/productsheets/change-data-capture-with-connect
- AWS Mainframe Modernization Pricing - https://aws.amazon.com/mainframe-modernization/pricing/
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