What AWS has to offer for devs like YOU...
Boost your cloud skills with hidden AWS gems! 🚀 Free tiers, AI racing & more for coders of all levels. Start your AWS journey now! #AWS #CloudSkills
- AWS Educate is where AWS experts offer FREE and paid courses and materials for you to learn and understand the different services and concepts and to be able to use them efficiently.
- In AWS Cloud Quest, the first game (which is Cloud Practitioner) is completely FREE and suitable for beginners to really learn AWS concepts in a game-like environment.
- The AWS Cloud Clubs program is organized in Universities around the world and gets students into event organizations, Cloud Practice sessions, talks from AWS experts and enthusiasts. It creates an amazing community of like-minded people, and for a student looking to upskill themselves, this is really a good opportunity.
- AWS DeepRacer League is a platform where you meet with racers all around the world and you program your vehicle through reinforcement learning to make it able to drive itself on multiple different circuits and be the fastest among all the other players.
- But that's not even the greatest part... When you sign up for the competition and you complete one hour of training your model (the AI model), you are automatically eligible to apply for the prestigious AWS Udacity Nanodegree in Artificial Intelligence with renowned lecturers like the guy from 3blue1brown :). From there, you just need to complete 2 modules of learning and take a quiz to be able to submit your application.
- This gives you the ability to apply for 300$ credits in AWS services and get 6 months for you to build and test your MVP on AWS before launching it after. This is a great opportunity for SMEs to get some financial support in terms of AWS services, and for them to quickly test their solutions.