
Command Line Magic | S01 E03 | Build On Weekly

Setting up and configuring the necessary AWS Command Line tools

Jacquie Grindrod
Jacquie Grindrod
Amazon Employee
Darko Mesaros
Darko Mesaros
Amazon Employee
Published Mar 31, 2023

Welcome to episode 3 of Build On Weekly! 🥳 Today Jacquie and Darko dive into installing various CLI tools and Utilities for AWS. Tools like the AWS CLI and AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit).

We will be posting here, on Community.aws, to share show notes, links, socials, code, and any other things mentioned during the live stream with you! 🚀

CLI Chat

If you miss an episode, don't worry! We will upload recordings of all our episodes to this youtube playlist! Make sure to smash that like and subscribe button! 🥹

Today, on Deployed Weekly, we will cover a Threat Modeling workshop, discuss IAM roles anywhere and the newly released Global tables for Amazon Neptune. We will also check out a blog post on tracking down NAT Gateway costs, and wrap up with some PowerTools for your Lambda functions!

Links from the discussion:

Today on Weekly build, we install and configure the AWS CLI and AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

⚠️ Do NOTE: We are installing version 2.7.1 in this example. The version may be different by the time you read this!

Here are the steps needed to install the AWS CLI on:

  • Linux

    • You must be able to extract or "unzip" the downloaded package. If your operating system doesn't have the built-in unzip command, use an equivalent.
    • The AWS CLI version 2 uses glibcgroff, and less. These are included by default in most major distributions of Linux.
    • We support the AWS CLI version 2 on 64-bit versions of recent distributions of CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2 and Linux ARM.
    • Because AWS doesn't maintain third-party repositories, we can’t guarantee that they contain the latest version of the AWS CLI.
    curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64-2.7.1.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
    unzip awscliv2.zip
    sudo ./aws/install
  • Mac

    • You know which release of the AWS CLI version 2 you'd like to install. For a list of versions, see the AWS CLI version 2 changelog on GitHub.
    • We support the AWS CLI version 2 on Apple-supported versions of 64-bit macOS.
    • Because AWS doesn't maintain third-party repositories, we can’t guarantee that they contain the latest version of the AWS CLI.
    curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/AWSCLIV2-2.7.1.pkg" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
    sudo installer -pkg AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
  • Windows

    • You know which release of the AWS CLI version 2 you'd like to install. For a list of versions, see the AWS CLI version 2 changelog on GitHub.
    • A 64-bit version of Windows XP or later.
    • Admin rights to install software
    msiexec.exe /i https://awscli.amazonaws.com/AWSCLIV2-2.7.1.msi

🐦 Reach out to the hosts and guests:

Jacquie: https://twitter.com/devopsjacquie Darko: https://twitter.com/darkosubotica