
Simplify RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas and Amazon Bedrock

Integrate MongoDB Atlas as the vector store and setup the entire workflow for your RAG application

Abhishek Gupta
Amazon Employee
Published May 30, 2024
By fetching data from the organization’s internal or proprietary sources, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) extends the capabilities of FMs to specific domains, without needing to retrain the model. It is a cost-effective approach to improving model output so it remains relevant, accurate, and useful in various contexts.
Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed capability that helps you implement the entire RAG workflow from ingestion to retrieval and prompt augmentation without having to build custom integrations to data sources and manage data flows. With MongoDB Atlas vector store integration, you can build RAG solutions to securely connect your organization’s private data sources to FMs in Amazon Bedrock.
Let's see how the MongoDB Atlas integration with Knowledge Bases can simplify the process of building RAG applications.

Configure MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas cluster creation on AWS process is well documented. Here are the high level steps:

Create the Vector Search index in MongoDB Atlas

Use the below definition to create a Vector Search index.
  • AMAZON_BEDROCK_TEXT_CHUNK – Contains the raw text for each data chunk. We are using cosine similarity and embeddings of size 1536 (we will choose the embedding model accordingly - in the the upcoming steps).
  • AMAZON_BEDROCK_CHUNK_VECTOR – Contains the vector embedding for the data chunk.
  • AMAZON_BEDROCK_METADATA – Contains additional data for source attribution and rich query capabilities.

Configure the Knowledge Base in Amazon Bedrock

Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret to securely store the MongoDB Atlas database user credentials.
Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage bucket and upload any document(s) of your choice - Knowledge Base supports multiple file formats (including text, HTML, and CSV). Later, you will use the knowledge base to ask questions about the contents of these documents.
Navigate to the Amazon Bedrock console and start configuring the knowledge base. In step 2, choose the S3 bucket you created earlier:
Select Titan Embeddings G1 – Text embedding model MongoDB Atlas as the vector database.
Enter the basic information for the MongoDB Atlas cluster along with the ARN of the AWS Secrets Manager secret you had created earlier. In the Metadata field mapping attributes, enter the vector store specific details. They should match the vector search index definition you used earlier.
Once the knowledge base is created, you need to synchronise the data source (S3 bucket data) with the MongoDB Atlas vector search index.
Once that's done, you can check the MongoDB Atlas collection to verify the data. As per index definition, the vector embeddings have been stored in AMAZON_BEDROCK_CHUNK_VECTOR along with the text chunk and metadata in AMAZON_BEDROCK_TEXT_CHUNK and AMAZON_BEDROCK_METADATA, respectively.

Query the knowledge base

You can now ask question about your documents by querying the knowledge base - select Show source details to see the chunks cited for each footnote.
You can also change the foundation model. For example, I switched to Claude 3 Sonnet.

Use Retrieval APIs to integrate knowledge base with applications

To build RAG applications on top of Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock, you can use the RetrieveAndGenerate API which allows you to query the knowledge base and get a response.
If you want to further customize your RAG solutions, consider using the Retrieve API, which returns the semantic search responses that you can use for the remaining part of the RAG workflow.

Additional configurations

You can further customize your knowledge base queries using a different search type, additional filter, different prompt, etc.


Thanks to the MongoDB Atlas integration with Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock, most of the heavy lifting is taken care of. Once the vector search index and knowledge base are configured, you can incorporate RAG into your applications.
Behind the scenes, Amazon Bedrock will convert your input (prompt) into embeddings, query the knowledge base, augment the FM prompt with the search results as contextual information and return the generated response.
Happy building!

Any opinions in this post are those of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of AWS.
