Boosting our fintech efficiency by 50% using generative AI and Amazon Bedrock

Boosting our fintech efficiency by 50% using generative AI and Amazon Bedrock

At, we provide an online platform for business and personal loans. As a fintech startup, a key hurdle is simplifying financial information to provide efficient and positive user experiences. This can be challenging as financial information can often be expansive, complex and difficult to understand without domain expertise. With generative AI, we identify an opportunity to develop a solution. Learn about our journey building an AI application using Amazon Bedrock.

AWS Admin
Amazon Employee
Published Jan 12, 2024
Last Modified Jun 21, 2024


At, we provide an online platform for business and personal loans. As a fintech startup, a key hurdle is simplifying financial information. This is critical in order to provide our commercial teams (brokers) and customers with an efficient and positive user experience. Unfortunately, it can be challenging as financial information can often be expansive, complex and tough to interpret without domain expertise. If you have personal experience applying for a financial product, you may relate to a lengthy, mundane, and overwhelming experience.
With generative AI, we recognise an opportunity to develop a solution to enhance our experience for customers, and boost the efficiency of our commercial teams (brokers). In this post, we will share our journey building a generative AI application on Amazon Bedrock. For this application, we use a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) architecture for a question-answering (Q&A) chatbot use case.

Getting started with generative AI

To quickly get started, we search for open-source repositories for reference examples. In particular, examples with key capabilities for our use case, including the ability to process PDF documents, and memory to remember previous interactions and answer follow up questions. We find serverless-pdf-chat and bedrock-claude-chat on aws-samples Github. Given our familiarity with Next.js, we also evaluate vercel/ai-chatbot. During our research, we discover that these examples and many others, use LangChain. Due to popularity, active contributions by the community and libraries to integrate with many AWS services, we decide to use the framework for our generative AI application. Ultimately, by forking existing open source solutions and adapting it to our use case, we ship a prototype for user feedback within days, even with a small team.

Building our knowledge base

Customizing generative AI models with a knowledge base is critical. For us, this knowledge base consist of information from our comprehensive network of lenders. With each lender, we process a unique and diverse set of policies and loan criteria. This enables us to make data-driven loan decisions.
To understand the meaning of text data in these documents, we first convert them into vector embeddings. These are simply numerical representation of text that make it meaningful for machine learning, and allow us to perform similarity search. Here, we use Titan Text Embeddings on Bedrock. As documents were authored by different lenders, it is not uncommon that they use different language to describe the same meaning. Fortunately, Titan has been pre-trained with the semantic meaning of text. This enables effective search across a diverse set of documents despite varying semantics.
These documents were originally sourced from our network of lenders in PDF format. As a result, we build an application that integrates with our existing document management system, based on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). To cater for updates, each document is versioned and stored with relevant metadata, such as the corresponding lender details for easy filtering. We then process this with a serverless workflow powered by AWS Lambda. The workflows includes reading the information, chunking into smaller pieces, and finally converting to vector embeddings. The progress is tracked and visible to our users. With this, they understand the scope of answers provided by the application, including the specific version of policies used. We look forward to trying Knowledge Bases for Bedrock which provide an easier to maintain managed solution in future.


With familiarity with PostgreSQL, we store vector embeddings on pgvector. From there, we use SQL queries to perform similarity search on user prompts. This is as simple as using the <-> operator for finding nearest neighbour vectors. Here, search results represent relevant information that form the context in which answers are based on. As documents can be lengthy and were processed in small chunks, only the relevant snippets of information is returned. In future, we aim to experiment with advanced retrieval techniques, augment our knowledge base with structured FAQs, and incorporate entity extraction for more precise answers.


For generation, we use Claude on Amazon Bedrock. With Claude, we benefit from a general-purpose model with efficient question-answering (Q&A) capabilities. Through iteration and prompt engineering, we see improvements compared to equivalent GPT models in our testing. To test, we use frequently asked queries such as "Which lenders accept Centrelink income?" and evaluate their results with human review.
Another critical element is using a Lambda function for streaming responses back to the frontend. Using streaming minimises wait times and users do not have to wait for the entire message to buffer. For a bit of fun, we introduce chatbot personas, including a Pirate, a character from Family Guy, and Batman, with the Family Guy character becoming an instant hit for its informative yet humorous responses. We simply prompt for roleplay dialogue driving engagement and buy-in from our users. To optimise cost and improve speed for simpler queries, we aim to experiment with smaller models such as Claude Instant in future.

Lessons learned

Vectorizing and storing data across versions and entities: One significant challenge we faced was managing data for different entities over versions across time periods. Our approach to simplifying this was to develop a strong metadata structure for storing each property. This not only made the process more manageable but also more efficient.
Importance of entity extraction in retrieval: We also found that extracting entities before accessing the knowledge base was key in narrowing down results and providing better context. Here, a well-structured metadata proved invaluable, allowing for more precise and relevant data retrieval.
Learning prompt engineering: Through numerous trials, we learned that the ideal chunk size and prompt structure can vary significantly. Even small tweaks in the prompt can lead to noticeable differences in results. We realized that a deeper understanding of prompt engineering could greatly enhance our outcomes. This is something we're actively exploring, as it could make a considerable difference in the performance of our system.


With generative AI, we are able to improve the efficiency of our commercial teams and introduce a more streamlined and personalised customer experience. With our new AI-powered experience, we reduced the average time for loan applications by over 50%, receiving industry recognition. If you are curious, see LinkedIn video.
To achieve this, we leverage a range of capabilities across AWS. This includes access to foundation models on Bedrock, vector capabilities with pgvector, and serverless technologies with Lambda. We collaborate with our account team. From obtaining AWS Activate credits to reduce the cost of experimentation, to accessing generative AI and machine learning experts on AWS Startup Loft. If you are looking to build with generative AI, we hope that this post inspires and accelerates your journey.
To get started with generative AI on AWS, please see resources:

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